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Tripura Open Access Regulations (Consolidated)

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA) -Not Available -
Electricity Tariff FY 2014-15 (Rs./Unit)
  • HT industrial (above 100 HP) – Rs.7.25/kWh
  • Tea, coffee , rubber gardens – Rs.7.50/kWh (Rs. 7.20/kWh with subsidy)
  • Bulk supply – Rs.7.33/kWh
Connectivity Charges and Procedure -Not available- 
Nodal Agency
  • For Long-Term Open Access: State transmission utility (if used), otherwise it shall be the distribution licensee in whose area the point of drawal is situated.
  • For Short-Term Open Access: State Load Dispatch Centre.
Procedure and Charges for Long-Term Open Access (LTOA)
  • Applicability: Open access for a period of 1 year and more, on regular basis.
  • Application to nodal agency with Application Fee of Rs.5,000, with copy marked to local distribution licensee,
  • Time frame for processing the application: 30 days from receipt of application.
  • In case system strengthening is required; applicant should be informed in 30 days, accordingly.
Procedure and Charges for Short-Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Applicability: Open access, on regular basis, for a period of more than 6 months but less than one year.
  • Application to nodal agency with Application Fee of Rs.1,000, with copy marked to local distribution licensee,
  • Time frame for processing the application: 7 days from receipt of application.
Procedure and Charges for Temporary Open Access (TOA)
  • Applicability: Open access on temporary basis for a period of 6 months or less.
  • Application to nodal agency is same as for STOA with copy marked to local distribution licensee,




Allotment priority

The priority for allowing open access shall be determined in the following order:

(a) Distribution licensee for long-term.

(b) Other open access customers for long-term.

(c) Distribution licensee for short-term.

(d) Other open access customers for short-term.

  • Consumers in the long duration category shall have preference over the others.
  • Decision to allow OA shall be on ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.
  • In case of congestion in STOA, allotment shall be done by bidding.
Open access charges Transmission charges (calculated): Rs.0.32/unit.
Scheduling and Metering Scheduling
  • Scheduling and dispatch requirements as specified in the Tripura Electricity Grid Code and as per SLDC.
  • Wind and solar generating stations are not to be covered by intra-state ABT.


  • Intra-state ABT shall be applicable to users/suppliers who are required to give daily schedules to SLDC, unless excluded from applicability of ABT under these Regulations.
  • STU shall ensure that all interface points are provided with ABT compliant meters and the required communication facilities are installed before the stipulate date for implementation of ABT regime.
  • The cost of metering shall be borne by the owners of the meters.
  • Metering shall be as per the Tripura Electricity Grid Code.
Energy losses
  • Transmission and Distribution Losses
  • 22% (Vide Tariff Order 2014-15 and valid till the next order)

Imbalance and Reactive energy charges and Banking Imbalance Energy
  • The Unscheduled Interchange (UI) rate shall be applicable for deviations from the schedule.
  • In case of excess drawal from the drawal schedule given by the SLDC, the users shall be required to pay through the UI mechanism for excess energy.
  • The UI rates and threshold frequencies, as determined by CERC in its Tariff Regulation for the Eastern region, shall apply to the users of the intra-state grid for such 15 minute blocks, linked to frequency.
  • Processing of data required for accounting of energy exchanges and UI account, based on average frequency of 15 minute time block, shall be done by the SLDC.
  • Energy accounting shall be as per the Tripura Electricity Grid Code.
  • Deviation charges to be calculated on the basis of error computed for 15 minute time block.

Reactive Energy

  • Payment of UI and reactive energy charges as specified by TEGC.


  • No generator shall be allowed the facility of banking electricity generated by them, nor will such facility be extended to any open access customer.
References TERC(Terms and Condition of Open Access) Regulation,2010

TERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and related matters of Solar and Wind generation Sources) Regulations, 2016,Scheduling%20etc.%20Reg-2016.pdf  

Tariff Order FY 14-15 :



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