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Andhra Pradesh Wind Energy Tariff Regulations - 2015

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Net Tariff (Rs./ kWh)


Tariff Period

25 years 

Control Period

FY 2015-16 to FY 2019-20 

Useful Life of a Plant

25 years 

Capital Cost

Rs. 600.9 lakh/MW for FY 2016-17 

Operation and Maintenance Expenses (O&M)

Rs. 9.06 lakhs/MW for FY 2016-17

Escalation rate at 5.72% per annum 

Interest Rate on Loans

Average State Bank of India (SBI) base rate prevalent in the first six months of the previous year plus 300 basis points. 


7% per annum for first 10 years and 1.33% per annum for remaining useful life of the plant. 

Return on Equity

16% with MAT and income tax as pass through 

Interest on Working Capital

Average State Bank of India base rate prevalent during first six months of the previous year plus 350 basis points 





Tariff Structure and Design

Single part, generic, levellised tariff

Merit Order Despatch Principles

Shall be subject to scheduling and despatch code if the sum of generation capacity of the plants connected at the interconnection point is 10 MW and above and interconnection point is 33 kV and above.

Subsidy or/and Incentives by the Govt.

Any incentive or subsidy provided by the central or the state government including accelerated depreciation benefit would be taken into consideration


  • 2% for bill payment through letter of credit
  • 1% for bill payment not through letter of credit within a period of one month of presentation of bills by the generating company





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