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Chhattisgarh Solar Policy - 2012

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Nodal Agency

Chhattisgarh Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA)

Applicable Technologies

Solar PV,solar thermal

Policy Period

2012 – 31st March 2017

Targets under Policy

Capacity addition between 500 – 1000 MW

Incentive Amount

No capital subsidy

Eligibility Conditions

Any individual, registered company(s), central and state power generation companies, public and private solar project developers


All project developers s

Timeframe for Implementation

Completion and commissioning of project within 24 months

Evacuation Arrangement





Types of solar projects

  • Grid-connected solar.

  • Solar parks may be established at appropriate locations in the state either on their own or through PPP model on cost sharing basis.
  • Rooftop solar power projects. 

Role of Nodal Agency

To execute all tasks related to the bidding process on behalf of CSPDCL for fulfilling their RPO.Identifying suitable loca-tions and creating a land bank, aswell as establishing a single window clearance system.

Incentives underState Industrial Policy
  • The state industrial policy 2014-19offers incentives to solar power plants including interest subsidy, fixed capital investment subsidy, exemption from electricity duty and stamp duty, exemption/concession in land premium, project report subsidy and technical patent subsidy.

  • Exemption on electricity duty for projects of captive consumption.

Incentives under this policy

  • The following incentives will be in force for a period of seven years from the date of implementation of the project:
  •  VAT exemption on all equipment/materials included in the list notified by energy department.
  • DISCOMs to fulfil RPO through tariff based competitive bidding. For projects under REC, state utility can purchase power at pooled cost as determined by regulator. 

Open access, wheeling, CSS & banking

  • Open access charges and losses shall be paid as per CSERC/CERC, for sale to third party outside the state.
  • Wheeling charges are applicable as per CSERC.
  • Cross subsidy surcharge shall not be applicable for third party sale within the state subject to industries maintaining their contracted demand with the DISCOMs. CSS not applicable for captive use.
  • Banking facility is allowed on mutually agreed terms.

Provision for policy review

Not available 



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