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Andhra Pradesh Wind Policy – 2019

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Nodal Agency

New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (NREDCAP).

Operative Period

5 years from 03.01.2019.

Applicable Technologies

Wind power

Targets under Policy

Not mentioned.


  • No transmission and distribution charges for inter-state wheeling of power to the nearest Central Transmission Utility (CTU) via State Transmission Utility network.
  • Deemed PPP status shall be provided for projects set up on government/revenue lands or forest areas, or assigned lands, and also on private lands for selling power within the state or outside it.
  • Generation of electricity from wind power projects shall be treated as eligible industry under the schemes administered by the Industries Department.
  • Injection from wind power projects shall be considered to be deemed scheduled.
  • Wind power projects will be exempted from obtaining any NOC/consent for establishment under pollution control laws.


Eligibility Conditions

All registered companies, joint venture companies, central and state power generation/distribution companies and public/private sector wind power developers will be eligible for setting up of wind power projects.


Tax Exemptions

No mentioned.

Evacuation Arrangement

  • Eligible developer shall bear the entire cost of power evacuation facilities for interconnecting the wind farm with the grid.
  • Proposals for technical feasibility for evacuation will be disposed of within 14 days from the date of receipt of applications.
  • Any upstream system strengthening, if required, shall be done by APTRANSCO/DISCOM.




Capacity Allotment

  • Wind projects shall be allowed in MNRE notified areas or in the areas where wind monitoring studies have been undertaken by MNRE/NIWE/NREDCAP or GoAP.
  • Project Proponent shall have a net worth of Rs.2 Crore for each MW.
  • For setting up manufacturing units in AP, the OEM/project developer must have experience of 1 MW capacity project execution for each MW capacity applied.
  • Application fees - Rs.25,000/MW.
  • Transfer fees – Rs.50,000/MW.
  • Change of Name fees – Rs.25,000 for capacities up to 40 MW and Rs.1,00,000/MW .


Resource Assessment

  • To be carried out as per MNRE guidelines vide Circular No.51/9/2007-WE dated 20.06.2008 and OM No.336/19,2017-Wind dated 8.05.2018.
  • The data to be submitted should be duly validated or published by NIWE.


  • Projects older than 15 years with lower capacity and lower hub-height wind energy generators will be considered for repowering.
  • Tariff after repowering projects will be based on competitive bidding or lowest tariff discovered in latest competitive bidding process.


Banking of Energy

  • 100% banking of energy shall be permitted during all 12 months of the year based on the feasibility and prior approval of APTRANSCO/APDISCOMs.
  • In kind charges @5% of energy delivered at the point of drawal.
  • Drawal not permitted during 1st April to 30th June and 1st February to 31st March.
  • Drawal not allowed during peak hours throughout the year.
  • Unutilized banked energy shall be treated as deemed purchase by the DISCOM at 50% of the average pooled power purchase cost determined by APERC.
  • Energy settlement on monthly basis.
  • Payment for the deemed purchase of unutilized banked energy shall be capped to 10% of the total banked energy during the applicable year.


Open Access

Intra-state open access clearance for whole tenure of the project or 25 years, whichever is earlier, as per APERC regulations.

Reactive Power Charges

  • 25 paise/kVARh for drawal up to 10% of net active energy generated.
  • 50 paise/kVARh for drawal above 10% of net active energy generated.

Incentives for Manufacturing

  • Priority allotment of government land on long term basis.
  • Electricity duty exempted for a period of ten years from first year of operation.
  • Incentives as applicable as per the prevailing industrial promotion policies of the GoAP, subject to provision of a separate budget by the Energy Department for the same.





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