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West Bengal Renewable Energy Regulations - 2013

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Renewable and Cogeneration Purchase Obligation (RPO) Target


Minimum quantum of purchase (in %) of total consumption from Cogeneration and Renewable energy sources


Total including Solar
















  • The energy input in the system of the distribution licensee after adjustment of losses shall be considered with regards to quantum of obligation.
  • From 2018-19 onwards the increase in the target shall be 1% each year.
  • Annual target for solar shall be increased by 0.1% per year till it reaches 0.5%.
  • Purchase of renewable energy should not exceed 5% of total consumption of the distribution licensee.
  • Purchase of solar energy in any year shall not exceed 0.25% of total energy consumed in a year, or target of solar RPO for that year, whichever is higher.
  • The distribution licensee shall submit the summary statement of RPO compliances to the state agency on annual basis before the month of October of the succeeding year.
  • Compliance (FY 2015-16) - 55.60%

Determination of Price of Electricity from Cogeneration and/or Renewable Sources

  • Price of purchase of electricity shall be agreed to by the licensee and the suppliers at a level not above the price cap indicated in these regulations.
  • Solar power shall be purchased through competitive bidding only.

Price Capping


Capped Price (Rs./kWh)


  • 5.41
  • levellised fixed cost 2.06.


  • 5.71

Small hydro

  • 4.42 for generating station of any generating company.
  • Will be decided by the Commission while deter-mining retail tariff for the distribution licensee for its own generating plant.


·         3.34

Solar PV

  • 8.90 for projects which are not eligible for any incentive by MNRE.
  • Price of bundled power under JNNSM, or competitive bidding shall be adopted by the Commission for solar thermal projects.
  • Otherwise, for solar thermal projects,the price will be determined on receivingapplication.


·         5.12


·         6.24

  • All price caps exclude applicable taxes on sold energy and include cost of connectivity up to the delivery point.

Open Access for Cogeneration and/or Renewable sources energy

Subject to availability of transmission facility.

Charges of Open Access

  • As per open access regulations and tariff regulations.
  • Meter rent, meter reading and other related charges shall be paid at the rate of 0.75 paise/unit of monthly energy reading, subject to a minimum Rs.500 and maximum Rs.2,000 per month.

Transmission Charges

As per relevant tariff order.

Wheeling Charges

As per relevant tariff order.

Reactive Energy Charges

  • As per open access regulations for all technologies except wind.
  • For wind power the charges will be three times the rate specified in Open Access regulations.

Other Charges for Open Access

As per open access regulations.





  • Cogeneration and renewable energy sources, except rooftop solar PV and biogas sources, shall be connected with the state grid at voltage levels of 132 kV/66kV/33kV/11kV/6kV.
  • Rooftop solar PV sources of capacity 250 kW to 5 MW will be given connectivity to the distribution system as per technical and financial suitability.
  • Supply of electricity shall be shall be measured by either two separate meters or by one export-import meter.
  • Meter and connectivity up to the nearest suitable point will be the responsibility of the distribution licensee, and connectivity of the rooftop system with the meter shall be the responsibility of the consumer.
  • Biogas plants shall be connected at 415V, 3-phase, or at 6 kV or 11 kV, with the distribution system of the licensee.
  • Communication cost between grid sub-station and generating station shall be borne by the seller.
  • For new small hydro and island-based wind projects, the seller and the distribution/transmission licensee shall share the cost of evacuation line beyond 5 km.

Dispatch principle and Mismatch/Unscheduled interchange charges

  • All renewable energy power plants, except biomass, cogeneration and MSW power plants, with capacity of 10 MW and above, shall be treated as ‘Must Run’ power plants.
  • No mismatch or unscheduled interchange charges would be payable.
  • Biomass, cogeneration and MSW power plants with capacity of 10 MW and above, and open access customers of these plants, shall come under ABT mode of operation.
  • Unscheduled or mismatch charges for deviation from the schedule shall be paid weekly as per rate specified in the tariff order.

CDM benefits

The proceeds shall be considered as income of the generator.



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