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Uttarakhand Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) , 2015

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Consumers located in the area of distribution licensee and having contracted load of 100 kVA and above, and connected to the distribution system of licensee at 11 kV and above.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2017-18 for HT industry



Load Factor

Energy Charges (Rs./kVAh)

Contract load up to 1000 kVA

Up to 40%


Above 40%


Contract load above 1000 kVA

Up to 40%


Above 40%


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

  • For Renewable Energy Generators: as per the provisions of the UERC (Tariff and Other Terms for Supply of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources and non-fossil fuel based Cogenerating Stations) Regulations, 2013.
  • Cost of connectivity (creating of facilities, system strengthening, etc.) shall be borne by open access customer.
  • Consent of SLDC, STU or distribution licensee, is necessary, wherever involved.


For Connectivity at Intra-state Transmission System:

  • Application to STU, with non-refundable application fee of Rs.5 lakhs.
  • Time frame for processing application: 30 days.


For Connectivity at Distribution System:

  • Application to distribution licensee with application fee of Rs.3 lakhs.
  • Timeframe for processing the application: 30 days.


For Connectivity to the distribution system by a consumer of a distribution licensee: As per the UERC (Release of new HT and EHT Connections, Enhancements and Reduction of Loads) Regulations, 2008.

Nodal Agency

-As per table below-

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for more than 12 years but less than 25 years.
  • Before granting LTOA, the STU/distribution licensee shall give due regard to any augmentation required.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point , as per table below

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the area of the same distribution licensee area.

Distribution Licensee


20 days

Drawal point in distribution system – injection in intra-state transmission (and vice-versa), both in intra-state transmission.



120 days where system augmentation is not required.

Where augmentation is required – 270 days for transmission system and  180 days for distribution system.

  • Without involving Inter-state Transmission System: Bank Guarantee of Rs.10,000/ MW of the total power transacted, drawn in favour of the nodal agency and kept valid till execution of the LTOA agreement.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • Applicability : Open access for a period exceeding 3 months but less than 3 years.
  • Granted only if resultant flow of electricity can be accommodated in existing/expected system. No augmentation shall be carried out for the sole purpose of granting MTOA.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point, , as per table below

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the area of the same distribution licensee area

Distribution Licensee


20 days

Drawal point in distribution system – injection in intra-state transmission system (and vice-versa).



40 days

Both in intra-state transmission system.

20 days

  • Without involving Inter-state Transmission System:

Start date of MTOA shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which the application was made.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period up to one month at a time.
  • Granted only if resultant flow of electricity can be accommodated in existing/expected system. No augmentation shall be carried out for the sole purpose of granting STOA.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point, , as per table below.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the area of the same distribution agency.

Distribution Licensee


7 working days, if applying for the first time, else 3 working days.

Drawal Point in distribution system – injection in intra-state transmission system (and vice-versa). Both in intra-state transmission system.




Without involving Inter-state Transmission System:

  • Open Access in Advance: Application may be submitted to the nodal agency up to the fourth month, considering the month of submission as the first month and up to the 15th day of the preceding month.
  • If the capacity sought by the customer is more than that available, then the allotment shall be done by electronic bidding procedure, by SLDC.
  • Day ahead Open Access: Application within 3 days prior to date of scheduling but not later than 1300 hrs of the preceding day.





Allotment priority

  • Highest Priority 1 - Distribution agency, irrespective of OA term.
  • Priority 2 – Long term open access applicants.
  • Priority 3 – Medium term open access applicants.
  • Priority 4 – Short term open access applicants (subject to capacity availability).
  • Existing consumers shall have priority over new customers.

Open Access Charges

Transmission Charges:

  • Transmission charges payable – Rs.3196/MW/day (Transmission Tariff order 17-18).
  • If augmentation of transmission system, including construction of dedicated transmission system, is required for giving long term open access, then such long term customer shall, in addition to transmission charges as per the rate of charge provided above, also bear the transmission charges for such augmentation works including dedicated system.


Cross Subsidy Surcharge:

  • For HT Industrial: Rs.0.49/kWh (Tariff order 17-18)
  • For Non-Domestic consumer: Rs.0.77/kWh  ?(Tariff Order FY 17-18)

Wheeling Charges:

  • Approved Wheeling Charges (Non-domestic ) for 2017-18: Rs.10234/MW/day.
  • Wheeling Charges (embedded consumer HT above 1MVA) – Rs.593/MW/day Wheeling Charges (embedded consumer HT upto 1MVA) – Rs.2270/MW/day.
  • No wheeling charges for open access customers connected to the transmission system at voltage levels 132 kV and above.

Scheduling and Metering


  • Scheduling by SLDC in accordance with State Grid Code.
  • SLDC charges and system operation charges of Rs.3,000 per day, or part of the day, for each transaction payable to the SLDC, by intra-state open access customers.



  • Consumers shall be provided with ABT compatible Special Energy Meters by licensee for, and at the cost of, the consumer.
  • Meters shall be capable of time differentiated measurements for time block-wise active energy and voltage differentiated measurement of reactive energy, in accordance with State Grid Code.

Energy losses

Transmission Losses:

  • Intra-state transmission losses (approved) – 1.78% (MYT FY 16-17 to FY 18-19).


Distribution Losses

  • Distribution losses considered for OA, for FY 17-18 – 14.75%.

Imbalance/ Deviation and Reactive Energy Charges

Deviation Energy Charges:

  • Actual and scheduled energy shall be recorded on time block basis (15 min).


  • Where OA consumer is also consumer of distribution licensee:

§  In case of over-drawal – deviation charges payable are equal to average billing rate of HT industrial.

§  In case of under-drawal – deviation charges payable by distribution licensee are equal to the average power purchase cost of the distribution licensee.


·       When OA consumer is not a consumer of distribution licensee:

§  In case of over-drawal – deviation charges payable to licensee as per the applicable tariff. If demand exceeds, then additional excess demand charges shall be paid.

§  In case of under-drawal – consumer shall be compensated at the rate of average power purchase cost.


  • When OA customer is the generator:

§  Under-injection due to licensee’s problem and over-injection – deviation charges payable by licensee to generator at APPC.

§  Under-injection due to generator’s problem – deviation charges payable by generator to licensee at APPC.


  • SLDC shall act as nodal agency to settle deviation.


Reactive Energy Charges:

  • In accordance with the IGEC and State Grid Code.



UERC (Terms & Conditions of Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2015,%202015/Open%20Access%20Regulations,%202015/UERC%20

Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Intra-State Open Access) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2016.

UPCL (Distribution) Tariff Order 2017-18:


PTCUL (Transmission) Tariff Order 2017-18:


SLDC Tariff Order 2017-18:



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