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Telangana Net Metering Rooftop Solar PV Grid-Interactive Systems Regulations 2016 (1st Amendment 2021)

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Control Period

From the date of notification in the official gazette.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Consumers in the area of the distribution licensee.
  • Owning or in legal possession of the premises on which the system shall be installed.
  • Self-owned or third party owned.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

  • Cumulative capacity of solar rooftop systems of LT eligible consumers should not exceed 50% of the rated capacity of the concerned distribution transformer.
  • Cumulative capacity of rooftop systems of 11 kV or 33 kV HT consumers shall not exceed 50% of maximum load permitted on the concerned 11 kV /33 kV feeder.


A single bi-directional meter with following characteristics shall be installed for export and import:

  • Separate registers for export and import with meter reading instrument (MRI) downloading facilities.
  • KVAR, kWh, kVA, kVAh measuring registers for capacity above 10 kW.
  • Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) facility with RS232 (or higher) communication port.
  • Class 1 accuracy meters for rooftop solar PV systems up to 10 kW, 0.5 accuracy class meters for rooftop solar PV systems above 10kW, and0.2 class accuracy meters for high tension (HT) systems (56 kW and above).
  • Current transformer (CT) functionality meters for the rooftop solar PV systems above 56 kW.
  • Consumer shall install a solar generation meter, at his own cost, at an appropriate location, if it is an obligated entity.
  • Licensee can install a solar generation meter at its own cost, with the consent of the consumer, at an appropriate location if it desires to count generated energy to meet its RPO. 




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • If quantity of electricity exported exceeds quantity imported, the excess quantity shall be carried forward to the next billing period as credited amount.
  • If quantum of electricity exported falls below quantum of electricity imported, the excess amount shall be billed by the distribution licensee after adjusting against credited units. In case of time of day tariff, electricity consumption in any time block should be first compensated with the electricity injected in the same time block. Any excess injection over and above the consumption in any other time block in a billing cycle should be accounted as if the excess injection occurred during non-peak hours.
  • Exported energy will be measured in kWh only. If billing requires kVAh system, then power factor will be considered 1 for exported energy.


Rooftop systems are exempted from transmission charges, transmission loss, wheeling charges, wheeling loss, cross-subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge.


 Information not available.





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