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Sikkim Net Metering Regulations

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Control Period

From 17.12.2014

Eligibility Condition

  • A consumer of electricity in the area of supply of distribution licensee
  • A consumer who uses or proposes to use a solar energy system installed in his premises
  • Capacity of solar energy system shall be from 1 kwp to 1 MWp


Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

  • Connection shall be allowed till the cumulative capacity of the solar energy systems connected to a particular low tension distribution feeder is less than 80% of average minimum load of all the consumers of the said feeder between 8 AM and 4 PM during the period of seven days succeeding the date of submission of the application form.
  • Connection to consumers connected at 11 kv shall be given provided cumulative capacity under a transformer in the feeding substation is less than 80% of average minimum load of that feeder. The load is assessed based on minimum average load of 365 days preceding the date of submission of the application form.    

Metering Arrangement

  • All net meters shall be of same or better accuracy class index than the existing meter installed at its premises.
  • All meters including solar meter shall be installed at an accessible location of premises to facilitate easy access for meter reading.





Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Excess electricity injected over electricity consumed shall be carried forward to next billing period and shall be accounted and used to settle the electricity drawn by him in subsequent billing periods.
  • In case of time of day tariff, if electricity injected exceeds electricity drawn in normal period such excess electricity shall be set off first against electricity drawn during the peak period and then during the off-peak period.
  • For excess consumption over injection licensee recover electricity charges at rates applicable to each premises after taking into account any balance electricity banked during the previous billing period.
  • Net electricity banked by the consumer shall be paid by licensee at the end of settlement period at APPC as approved by the commission for that year.

Other Charges

Exempted from banking charge and cross subsidy surcharge





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