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Rajasthan Open Access Regulations , 2016

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Consumers with contract demand of 1 MVA and above.
  • Consumers who are connected at 33 kV or below to grid sub-station, or connected on common feeder irrespective of their voltage of supply, shall be allowed open access subject to the condition that they agree to rostering restrictions including power cut imposed by the licensee on the feeders serving them.
  • The consumers availing single point supply from DISCOM and making electricity available to multiple users shall not be eligible to avail open access.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2016-17




HT -5 : Large Industries


HT – 4 : Bulk Supply Mixed Load


HT -3 : Medium Industry


HT -2 : Non-Domestic (50kVA+)


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

  • Cost of construction of dedicated line or system studies or augmentation/strengthening, shall be borne by the applicant.

Nodal Agency

  • For LTOA and MTOA: State Transmission Utility (STU).
  • For STOA: State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC).

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open access for a period exceeding 12 years but not more than 25 years.
  • The State Transmission Utility/distribution licensee shall consider the planned augmentation of intra-state transmission system/distribution system.
  • Application to nodal agency and copy to local distribution licensee with non-refundable application fee of Rs.1 lakh.
  • Bank Guarantee: Rs.10,000/MW, valid for one year, in favour of STU and shall be kept valid and subsisting till the commencement of long term open access.
  • Time Frame: 60 days to process the application, and 90 days from the receipt of application to study and convey system strengthening requirements to the applicant.

If distribution system is involved, then 45 days to initiate the system strengthening and intimation of completion schedule.

  • Relinquishment of rights: For LTOA of more than 12 years: No charge if prior notice of at least one year is given. If notice is less than one year, then consumer shall be liable to pay 66% of transmission and wheeling charges as applicable for the period falling short of the notice period.


Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period of at least 3 months but not exceeding 3 years.
  • Shall be granted if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing system or system under execution. No augmentation shall be carried out for the sole purpose of granting MTOA.
  • Application to nodal agency and copy to local distribution licensee with non-refundable application fee of Rs.20,000.
  • Start date of the medium term open access shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.
  • Time Frame: 30 days from the last day of the month in which the application is received.
  • Relinquishment of rights: Customer may relinquish rights, fully or partly, by giving at least 30 days prior notice to the nodal agency and by making payment of applicable transmission and wheeling charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days, whichever is less.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Open Access for a period of one month at a time.
  • Shall be granted if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing system or system under execution. No augmentation shall be carried out for the sole purpose of granting STOA.
  • Application to nodal agency with application fee of Rs.5,000.
  • An application for STOA, in advance, may be submitted for a period upto fourth month, considering the month in which the application is made being the first month, and latest by the 15th day of the preceding month.
  • In case of congestion, allotment shall be done by bidding.
  • Limited Period Open Access: Application to nodal agency within 3 days prior to start date of OA, but not later than 10:00 am two days prior to the start date of open access for a maximum period of 5 days.
  • Relinquishment of rights: STOA can not relinquish OA rights however the nodal agency may allot the surplus capacity available on account of non-utilization by the short term open access customer in such manner as may be found appropriate.
  • Open Access Charges (Payment): STOA customer shall pay all applicable charges, in advance, to the respective agencies.




Allotment priority

·           1. First priority: Distribution licensee, irrespective of open access term.

·           2. Long Term Open Access applicant.

·           3. Medium Term Open Access applicant (For applicants in the same month, longer term applicants shall get higher priority among the MTOA).

·           4. Short Term Open Access applicant.

·           In each category, the existing customer shall have priority over new customers.

Open Access Charges

  • The open access charges for consumers availing net metering shall be settled in accordance with RERC Net Metering Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time.
  • As payment security towards wheeling charges, cross subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge, a deposit equal to 3 months billing of these charges for allotted open access capacity shall be maintained with the distribution licensee of the area of supply.


Transmission and Wheeling Charges

·         Payable on the basis of open access capacity contracted, or open access capacity utilized, whichever is higher. The excess open access capacity utilized up to 5% of open access capacity allocation, occurring to the extent of two time-blocks of 15 minutes each, during a month, shall be exempted.

  • As payment security towards transmission charges, the customer shall deposit an amount equal to 3 months of the transmission charges for allotted open access capacity with the State Transmission Utility/distribution licensee.
  • Interim Transmission Tariff (17-18) :
  • Discoms, LTOA and MTOA : Rs. 154.37 /kW/month
  • STOA : Rs. 5.08/kW/day
  • Transmission tariff for use of State transmission system in intra-State Short Term Open Access bilateral transactions and collective power exchange transactions : Rs. 0.2986/kWh


Cross Subsidy Surcharge

  • Renewable energy based power stations shall be governed as per relevant regulations in force for determination of tariff of such plants, and RERC Net Metering Regulations.
  • Vide Oder 817/16 dated 01.12.2016.

Category of OA consumer

Voltage Level

CSS (Rs./Unit)

Non-Domestic Service



33 kV


132 kV and above


Mixed Load/Bulk Supply



33 kV


132 kV and above


Large Industrial Service



33 kV


132 kV and above


  • Payable as determined by the Commission against petition by distribution licensee to whom the consumer is connected.
  • Rs.0.80/kWh (vide order on petition 548/15, dated 24th Aug, 2016).

Scheduling and Metering


  • SLDC fees as per RERC (levy of fee and charges by SLDC) Regulations, 2004.
  • As  payment security towards SLDC charges, open access customer shall deposit an amount equal to 3 months SLDC fee and charges, including scheduling and operating charges for allotted open access capacity, with the State Load Dispatch Centre.
  • The open access customer shall provide the injection/drawal schedule to SLDC, RDPPC and distribution licensee before 10.00 am of the day preceding day of scheduling.
  • SLDC charges for LTOA, MTOA (Interim 17-18): 59.66 paise/kW/month
  • SLDC charges for STOA (Interim 17-18)  : 1.96 paise/kW/Day.



  • Customer shall provide main meters, check meters and standby meters based on voltage, point and period of supply/drawal and tariff category, as specified in CEA (Metering) Regulations 2006 and RERC (Metering) Regulations 2007.

Energy Losses

Transmission Losses

  • Transmission losses as approved in ARR and Tariff Order for the respective financial year and shall be adjusted by open access customer.
  • Intra-state Transmission Loss: 4.11%(RGVNL Tariff Order).


Distribution Losses (FY 15-16)

  • Distribution system losses, as approved by the Commission, for the voltage level at which the OA customer is connected.
  • JVVNL: 15.19%.
  • AVVNL: 16.36%.
  • JdVVNL: 14.47%.

Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

Imbalance Energy Charges

  • Under-injection: Shall be settled at higher of the applicable deviation rates or energy charge at the rate of Temporary Tariff applicable for HT (NDS) category as determined by the Commission from time to time.
  • Over-injection: Upto 5% in a time block of 15 minutes and averaging upto 1% over a day shall be compensated at the deviation charge rate at frequency of 50 Hz., or applicable deviation charge rate.
  • Under-drawal: No compensation to consumer.
  • Over-drawal/OA consumer who isnot a consumer of the distribution licensee:Shall be settled at higher of the applicable deviation rates or energy charge at rate of Temporary Tariff applicable for HT (NDS) category.
  • Over-drawal/OA consumer who is also a consumer of a distribution licensee: Shall be considered as drawal from DISCOM and the open access consumer shall be required to pay charges for the excess capacity utilized.


Reactive Energy Charges : As per VAR rate specified by CERC

  • Consumer pays for VAR drawal when voltage at the metering point is below 97%.
  • Consumer gets paidfor VAR return when voltage is below 97%.
  • Open access consumer gets paid for VAR drawal when voltage is above 103%.
  • Open access consumer pays for VAR return when voltage is above 103%.



  • Banked energy to be settled in 15-minute time blocks = Banked energy available at the end of previous month in kWh/{96 time blocks X (actual number of days in current month)}.



RERC (Terms and Condition for Open Access) Regulations, 2016

Retail Tariff Order (FY 2015-16) and continued till next issued

Determination of CSS ( Petition 817/16, Dated 01.12.2016)


Determination of Additional Surcharge ( Petition 548/15, Dated 24.08.2016)


Transmission Tariff Order (2017-18)


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