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Rajasthan Net Metering Regulations – 2015 (Consolidated 1st Amendment)

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Eligibility Conditions  

  • Consumer should be in the supply area of the distribution licensee.
  • Plant capacity should not be more than 80% of sanctioned connected load.
  • Minimum plant capacity should be more than 1 kWp and maximum 1 MWp.


Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

Cumulative capacity should be restricted to 30% of the rated capacity of the respective distribution transformer.


Metering Arrangement

  • Bi-directional meter will be installed at the interconnection point with the network of the distribution licensee.
  • Existing meters of consumers would be replaced by net meters.
  • Check meters are mandatory for systems having capacity of more than 250 kW but optional otherwise.





Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Domestic category consumers where electricity injected exceeds electricity consumed:
    • Electricity injected up to 100 units will be adjusted in the next billing period.
    • Excess electricity injected above 100 units will be paid @ Rs.3.14/unit.
    • Capping of the average generation of 4.8 units per kW of the approved installed capacity per day of the rooftop solar PV system will be applicable.
    • For non-domestic consumers a cap of 4.8 units per kW/day of approved installed capacity is applicable. Excess energy injected will not be compensated.
    • If a consumer leaves the system, the excess energy credit shall lapse and no reimbursement will be given.


Other Charges

Exemption from banking and wheeling charges and cross-subsidy surcharge.



As decided by the Commission from time to time.







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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

+91 20 26613855
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