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Punjab Open Access Regulations - 2011

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • OA is permissible to a customer having demand of 1 MW and above (except generating plants), connected at 11 KV or above, on all feeders except urban pattern supply feeders, AP feeders and Category - I feeders serving mixed loads of urban/industrial consumers.
  • All generating plants will be allowed open access for wheeling of power.
  • The customers connected to Category - II industrial feeders, with no agricultural load on the feeder, shall be allowed open access subject to the condition that they agree to rostering restrictions imposed by the Utility on such feeders.
  • Consent of STU, SLDC or distribution licensee is required wherever involved.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2016-17

Large Industry

Energy Rate (Rs./U)

General Industry


Arc Furnaces and Power Intensive Units


Ice Factories and Cold Storages


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

For connectivity at 132 kV and above:

  • Application to STU with non-refundable application fee of Rs.2 lakh.
  • Time frame to process application - 60 days.
  • Applicant should bear the cost of system augmentation and dedicated line construction as required.

For connectivity to distribution system by a generating station:

  • Application to distribution licensee with non-refundable application fee of Rs.2 lakh.
  • Generating company shall bear the cost of system augmentation and infrastructure strengthening as required.

For connectivity to distribution system by any person:

  • Connectivity to distribution system by any person and processing of application shall be governed as per the provisions of Supply Code and Conditions of Supply approved by the Commission.

Nodal Agency

-as given below-

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period more than 12 years but not exceeding 25 years.
  • LTOA shall be allowed in accordance with the transmission system planning criteria and the distribution system planning criteria stipulated in the State Grid Code.
  • Applicant shall apply to the nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing Application

Consumer connected to Distribution System

Both in the area of the same distribution licensee.



20 days

Injection at intra- state transmission system



120 days where augmentation of transmission system is not required.

150 days, where augmentation of transmission system is required.

Consumer connected to Intra-state Transmission System

Both within the intra-state trans-mission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.



120 days where system augmentation is not required.

150 days where required.

  • For Transmission Open Access: Bank guarantee of Rs.10,000/MW of the total power to be transmitted.
  • Applicant shall reimburse cost incurred for system studies and further augmentation and strengthening.
  • Relinquishment of rights: For LTOA above 12 years and notice period of one year there is no extra charge.
  • For LTOA less than 12 years or notice period less than 1 year: 66% of the estimated transmission charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short of notice period of one (1) year.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period exceeding three months but not more than three years.
  • MTOA shall be granted if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing transmission system and distribution system.
  • Applicant shall apply to the nodal agency , with copy to local distribution licensee, as per the location of injection and drawal point.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing Application

Consumer connected to Distribution System

Both within the area of the same distribution licensee



20 days

Injection at intra- state transmission system



40 days

Consumer connected to Intra-state Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.



20 days

Relinquishment of rights: By giving notice of 30 days and payment of transmission charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days whichever is less.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Applicability : Open access for a period up to one month at a time, and Consumer only eligible for STOA over the surplus capacity available on the intra-state transmission system/distribution system after use.
  • Applicant shall apply to the nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point,.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing Application

Consumer connected to Distribution System

Both within the area of the same distribution licensee.



15 working days in case STOA applied for the first time.

3 working days for subsequent STOA applications.

Injection at intra- state transmission system



Day ahead market –opting power through power exchange.


As per CERC

As per CERC regulations

Consumer connected to Intra-state Transmission System

Both within the intra-state trans-mission system.  Injection point in distribution system within the state.



15 working days in case STOA applied for the first time.

3 working days for subsequent STOA applications.

  • STOA – In Advance: Application to nodal agency before 15th day of the preceding month, and nodal agency shall convey decision by 19th day of such preceding month with accordance to allotment priority criteria.
  • STOA – Day Ahead: Application to nodal agency three days prior (not later than 1300 hrs) to scheduling of STOA.
  • In case capacity sought by applicants is higher than reserved capacity, allotment shall be by bidding.





Allotment priority

  • 1. Existing distribution licensees and existing open access availing generating companies and consumers.
  • 2. A distribution licensee shall have the highest priority in allotment of open access capacity irrespective of term of OA.
  • 3. LTOA applicants.
  • 4. MTOA applicants.
  • 5. STOA applicants subject to capacity availability.

Open Access charges

  • The applicant for open access will open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the agency responsible for collection of various charges for the estimated amounts for a period of two months.


Transmission and Wheeling Charges:

  • For intra-state consumption of NRSE projects, transmission and wheeling charges shall be levied @ 2% of the energy injected into the State Grid, i.e. additional 2% of the total energy shall be injected at injection point(s).

Transmission Charges (FY 16-17)


Rs.87628/MW/month of contracted capacity.


23 paise/kWh or 21 paise/kVAh.

Wheeling Charges for availing supply at (220/132/66/33/11 kV)


Rs.429160/MW/month of contracted capacity.


132 paise/kWh or 119 paise/kVAh.

Cross Subsidy Surcharge (16-17)

  • Determined on per unit basis and shall be payable on monthly basis by the open access consumer, based on the actual energy drawn during the month through open access.
  • Not levied on captive plants for self use.

Large supply

Large Supply General Industry – 70 paise/kWh, 67 paise /kVAh.

Large Supply PIU/Arc Furnace consumers – 69 paise /kVAh.


Domestic supply

95 paise/kWh (87 paise/kVAh)

Non-residential supply

114 paise/kWh (105 paise/kVAh)

Bulk supply

65 paise/kWh (62 paise/kVAh)

Railway traction

86 paise/kWh (84 paise/kVAh)

Additional Surcharge:

  • Payable for stranded capacity and as determined by the Commission from time to time. 

Scheduling and Metering

  • Scheduled by SLDC in accordance with state grid code.
  • Scheduling and system operation charges:
    • For Inter-state OA - RLDC and SLDC charges as specified by the Commission.
    • For Intra-state OA as given below:

SLDC charges for FY 16-17


Rs.2145 /MW/month of contracted capacity.


Rs.2000 per day.



  • Customer shall provide ABT compatible Special Energy Meters at the point(s) of injection (if not already provided) and point(s) of drawal.

Energy losses

  • Inter-state  LTOA and MTOA – Buyer of electricity shall bear the losses.  STOA – Buyer and seller, both, shall absorb the apportioned losses as determined by the Central Commission.

  • Intra-state Open Access:
    The energy losses shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point(s).

OA customers at 132/220 kV


OA customers at 66/33 kV

15% of distribution losses (12.43%)

= 1.86%, + Transmission loss of 2.5%.

OA customers at 11 kV

40% of distribution losses (12.43%)

= 4.97%, + Transmission loss of 2.5%.

Imbalance and Reactive Energy charges

Imbalance Energy Charges:

  • The entitlement at the drawal point for any 15-minute time block shall be worked out after considering the transmission and distribution losses.
  • OA consumer who is not consumer of licensee, OA general trader :
    • Over-drawal: UI charges + congestion charges, or highest tariff for any permanent consumer category at that point of time, whichever is higher.
    • Under-drawal: Consumer will be paid by licensee UI charges or applicable lowest tariff for any permanent category/sub-category, whichever is lower.
  • OA consumer who is a consumer of licensee:
  • Overdrawal: charges as per demand surcharge.

  • Underdrawal: treated as above.


Reactive Energy Charges:

  • As per PSERC(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations.



Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Intra-state Open Access) Regulations, 2011 (Consolidation):


Tariff Order FY 16-17: Schedule of Tariff


Open Access Charges FY 16-17:  


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