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Punjab Net Metering Regulations, 2019 (1st Amendment 2020)

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Control Period

From the date of notification in the official gazette.


  • Consumer in the area of supply of the distribution licensee.
  • Minimum 1 kWp and maximum 1 MWp (AC side) capacity, with or without battery back-up.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

Cumulative capacity of solar rooftop system should not exceed 30% of the rated capacity of the concerned distribution transformer.

Metering Arrangement

The solar meter should be installed at the point where electricity is generated by the solar energy system and delivered to the main panel. 




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Electricity injected less electricity consumed should be considered as the banked electricity for the next billing cycle within the settlement period.
  • Electricity consumed less electricity injected into the grid shall be treated as net electricity consumption and should be billed as per applicable tariff of the respective consumer category after taking into account any electricity credit balance from the previous billing period.
  • In case of time of day (TOD) tariff, electricity consumption in any time block should be first compensated with the electricity injected in the same time block. Any excess injection, over and above the consumption, in any other time block in a billing cycle should be accounted as if the excess injection occurred during non-peak hours.
  • Fixed charges on the bill will be based on the consumer’s fixed/contract demand.


From PSERC (Terms and Conditions for Intra-state Open Access) Regulations 2011.

Penalty or Compensation

In case of failure, provisions of Supply Code shall apply.





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