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Nagaland Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) , 2012

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Permissible to the consumer seeking open access for capacity of 1 MW and above.
  • Commission may allow open access to consumers seeking it for capacity less than 1 MW at such time as it may consider feasible, having regard to operational constraints and other factors.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2017-18



Tariff (Rs./Unit)

Category ‘B’ Industrial


Up to 500 kWh


501 to 5000 kWh


> 5000 kWh


Category ‘C’ Bulk


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

-Not Available -

Nodal Agency

·         For LTOA - State Transmission Utility (STU) of the State where the point of drawal or point of injection is located on the intra-state transmission network. Else, it shall be the distribution licensee of the area where the point of drawal is located.

·         For STOA - State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Availing open access for a period of five years or more.
  • LTOA shall be allowed in accordance with the transmission and distribution planning criterion stipulated in the State Grid Code.
  • Application to nodal agency with non-refundable application fee of Rs.10,000.
  • Time Frame: 30 (thirty) days, and if system strengthening is required it should be carried out in 90 days from the receipt of such request.
  • Applicant shall bear cost of system strengthening.
  • Exit Options: Customer shall not relinquish or transfer his rights and obligations specified in the Bulk Power Transmission/Distribution Capacity Agreement, without prior approval of the Commission and payment of compensation as per terms of OA.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)


Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Applicability: Open access users other than LTOA, (OA with period less than 5 years). Maximum duration of STOA shall be one year.
  • STOA shall be allowed if the request for open access can be accommodated.
  • Application to SLDC with application fee of  Rs.1,000.
  • Relinquishment of rights: Consumer shall bear the transmission/wheeling charges and the scheduling and system operation charge based on the original reserved transmission capacity for seven days or the period of reservation surrendered or reduced or cancelled, as the case may be, whichever period is shorter.




Allotment Priority

  • LTOA shall have higher priority than STOA.
  • The decision to allow open access shall be on the basis of ‘first-come-first-served’.
  • In case of short-term open access customers, if the capacity sought to be reserved for open access is more than the available capacity at that point of time, the State Load Despatch Centre concerned shall invite snap bids.

Open Access charges

Transmission/Wheeling charges

Wheeling Charges: Rs. 2.26/kWh (FY 17-18), Rs. 2.32/kWh ( FY 18-19), and Rs. 2.26/kWh ( FY 19-20)

For STOA customer: (ST rate = rate for short term customer in Rs./MW/day).

(1) Up to 6 hours in a day, in one block: 1/4th of ST rate.

(2) More than 6 hours and up to 12 hours in a day, in one block: ½ of ST rate.

(3) More than 12 hours and up to 24 hours in a day, in one block: Equal to ST rate.

Cross Subsidy Surcharge

  • Payable monthly on per unit basis, based on actual energy drawn, to the licensee whom customer has connected.
  • Cross subsidy surcharge shall not be levied in case distribution access is provided to a person who has established a captive generation plant for carrying the electricity to the destination of his own use.

Additional Surcharge

  • Customer, receiving supply of electricity from a person other than the distribution licensee, to meet the fixed cost.
  • Payable monthly to distribution licensee, on per unit basis, based on actual energy drawn and determined by the Commission.

Scheduling and Metering


  • Charges: Payable by supplier and user (both) to SLDC as determined by the Commission,


  • Customers shall provide ABT compatible Special Energy Meter as main meter, capable of time-differentiated measurements (15 minutes) of necessary parameters, as may be specified by the STU or SLDC.

Energy losses

  • Customers shall bear average energy losses in the transmission system and/or distribution system as determined by the Commission from time to time.
  • The loss in the transmission system and/or distribution system shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point(s).

Transmission and Distribution losses

  • For FY 2016-17 the approved intra-state transmission and distribution losses will be 25.50% .

Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

-Not Available-



NERC (Terms and Condition for Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2012

NERC (Multi Year Tariff) Regulations, 2016

Tariff Order 2017-18:




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