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Meghalaya State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Energy Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations 2018

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Control Period

From date of notification until 31 March 2021.


Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)


Minimum quantum of purchase (%) from renewable energy sources (in kWh)
















  • Captive generating plants having capacity of 5 MW and above shall be obligated to purchase RE to the extent of consumption met through such captive source.
  • Open access consumer having 1 MVA or above load and consuming conventional fuel based electricity will have to meet RPO to the extent of his consumption met through open access. 
  • Obligations are inclusive of purchases from RE sources already being made.
  • Power purchase from renewable energy sources under existing power purchase agreement shall continue till their present validity.
  • All obligated entities shall mandatorily register themselves with RPO Compliance and Monitoring Web Tool.


Obligated Entities

Distribution licensees, conventional captive generating plants having capacity of 5 MW and above and open access consumers with 1 MVA and above load within the state consuming electricity from conventional fuel based sources.


Ways to Meet RPO

Purchase of electricity from ground-mounted RE projects, grid-connected rooftop solar power plants or purchase of renewable energy certificates.



  • Obligation to fulfill RPO from non-solar and solar sources shall be fulfilled through purchase of non-solar and solar certificates, respectively.
  • Certificates purchased by obligated entities shall be submitted to the state agency in accordance with detailed procedure framed by the state agency.





State Agency

Meghalaya Non-conventional and Rural Energy Development Agency Commission (MNREDA).


Effect of Default

  • In case of failure to fulfill RPO, obligated entities may be directed by the Commission to deposit into a separate fund an amount as determined by the Commission based on the shortfall in units and forbearance price.
  • Fund so created shall be used only after approval by the Commission to purchase certificates or for any other purpose it may deem fit.
  • In case of genuine difficulty in fulfilling the RPO target, the obligated entity may appeal before the Commission to carry forward the residual RPO target to the next year.


Grid Connectivity Priority

Any person generating electricity from renewable energy sources shall have priority for open access or connectivity with distribution system or transmission system, as the case may be.


Monitoring and Implementation Framework

The state agency, in coordination with the concerned transmission licensee and/or distribution licensee shall:

  • Monitor accredited project.
  • Maintain accounts for sale and purchase of renewable energy certificates.
  • Undertake other functions incidental to monitoring of such accredited project.






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