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Maharashtra Distribution Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) -2009

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Eligibility to seek Open Access

  • Consumer having Contract Demand of 1 MW and above with a distribution licensee shall be eligible for Open Access for obtaining supply of electricity from one or more of the following:


a) Generating plants or stations, including captive generating plants.

b) Trading licensees.

c) Power exchanges.

d) Other distribution licensees.

Electricity Tariff FY 2016-17



HT – Industry General

HT – Commercial







Tata Power – Distribution



Reliance Infra – Distribution



Connectivity charges and procedure

  • A generating station, including a captive generating plant, having installed capacity less than 5 MW, may apply for connectivity to the distribution system, unless already connected, in accordance with the provisions in this Regulation.
  • Rupees one lakh, non-refundable fee (for renewable energy).
  • The cost of creation or augmentation of infrastructure for a renewable energy generating station shall be borne by the renewable energy generating company or distribution licensee or STU.

Nodal Agency

  • The nodal agency for open access and connectivity to the distribution system shall be the distribution licensee in whose area of supply the consumer or generator is located.
  • Where the consumer or generating station is connected or intends to connect to the network of a transmission licensee, the nodal agency shall be as specified in the regulations of the Commission governing Transmission Open Access or the relevant regulations of the Central Commission, as the case may be.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access

·         Applicability: Open Access for period exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years.

·         Application to the nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point with copy to MSLDC and local distribution licensee

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the same distribution licensee’s area.

Distribution licensee to which the consumer is connected.

120 days where augmentation of distribution system is not required.


180 days where augmentation of distribution system is required.

Both within the state but in areas of different distribution licensees.

Injection point in the intra-state transmission system within the State.

Consumer opting to avail of power supply from power exchange.

Distribution Licensee to which the consumer is connected.

  • Bank guarantee shall be at the rate of Rs.5000/MW of the total power to be transmitted, drawn in favour of the distribution licensee.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access

·         Applicability: Open access for a period exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 3 years.

·         Application to the nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point with copy to MSLDC and local distribution licensee

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the same distribution licensee’s area

Injection point in the intra-state transmission system within the state.

Distribution licensee to which the consumer is connected.

Sixty  days.

  • The application shall be made to the nodal agency between 3 months and 12 months prior to the intended commencement of open access.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access

·         Applicability: Open access for a period not exceeding one month at a time.

·         Application to the nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point with copy to MSLDC and local distribution licensee.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Both within the same distribution licensee area.

Both within the state but in different distribution licensees area.

Injection point is in the intra-state transmission system, within the state

Consumer opting to avail of power supply from power exchange.

Distribution licensee to which the consumer is connected.

Ten  working days in case STOA applied for first time.

Five working days for subsequent STOA applications.

Injection point at distribution system within Maharashtra and selling power to power exchange.

Distribution licensee where the generator is connected.



Consumer connected at distribution system within Maharashtra and opting to avail power supply from power exchange.

Distribution licensee on whose distribution system the consumer is connected.



  • The application may be made up to four months prior to the month of commencement of Short Term Open Access, but not later than the tenth day of the preceding month.
  • In case of congestion, electronic bids may be invited as per the Bidding Procedure for Advance Scheduling after the last date for submission of applications.
  • Day-ahead open access of distribution system(s) shall be permitted only if surplus capacity is available in the concerned distribution licensee’s system. The application for grant of day-ahead open access shall be made to the nodal agency only one day prior to the date of scheduling, up to 1200 hours.
  • Non-utilisation of Short Term Open Access: Consumer shall inform the nodal agency if unable to utilize the full capacity for more than 4 hours and shall surrender unutilized capacity by paying transmission fees for original.




Allotment Priority

  • Priority 1 – Highest priority: Distribution licensee (irrespective of whether open access sought is for long-term, medium-term or short-term).
  • Priority 2 - Other Long Term Open Access applicants.
  • Priority 3 - Other Medium Term Open Access applicants.
  • Priority 4 – Lowest priority: Other Short Term Open Access applicants.
  • In case of congestion for STOA, allotment by bidding

Open Access charges

  • The bills shall be issued monthly, and shall be payable within such period as may be specified in the Electricity Supply Code.
  • The distribution licensee shall pay the transmission licensee, MSLDC and any other entity, all the charges collected on their behalf from the open access consumer, generating station or licensee, within seven days.

Wheeling Charges:

  • On the basis of actual energy drawal at the consumption end, as may be determined under the regulations of the Commission governing Multi-Year Tariff.
  • Wheeling charges shall not be applicable in case a consumer or generating station is connected to the transmission system directly, or using dedicated lines owned by the consumer or generating station.


TATA Power


FY 2016-17

FY 2017-18

FY 2018-19

FY 2019-20

HT Wheeling Charges (Rs./kWh)





LT Wheeling Charges (Rs./kWh)







HT Wheeling Charges (Rs./kWh)





LT Wheeling Charges (Rs./kWh)







33 kV (Rs./kWh)





22 kV/11 kV (Rs./kWh)





LT (Rs./kWh)





*For Reliance Infra –D, details of wheeling charges are unavailable.


Cross Subsidy Surcharge:



FY 16-17


R Infra – D

FY 16-17 (Rs./kWh)

Tata Power – D

FY 16-17


HT Category - EHV (66 kV and above)


For all HT

For all HT

HT I(A): HT - Industry (General)




HT II: HT - Commercial




HT Category - 33 kV




HT I(A): HT - Industry (General)




HT II: HT – Commercial




HT Category - 22 kV & 11 kV




HT I(A): HT - Industry (General)




HT II: HT - Commercial




Additional Surcharge:

  • No exemption for RE based transactions.
  • For MSEDCL - Rs.1.11/unit : Additional surcharge (to be applied on non-captive Open Access).

Transmission Charges:

  • Partial open access consumer, generating station or licensee, as the case may be, shall pay the transmission charges to the distribution licensee instead of the transmission licensee for using a transmission network.




FY 2016-17

FY 2017-18

FY 2018-19

FY 2019-20

Transmission charges (Rs./kWh)





Scheduling and Metering


  • The scheduling of inter-state Open Access transactions shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Electricity Grid Code.
  • A renewable energy generating plant identified as ‘non-firm power’ under the Commission’s Regulations governing Renewable Energy Tariff, shall be exempted from scheduling till such time as the Commission stipulates or specifies otherwise.


  • All Open Access consumers and generating stations, irrespective of their capacity, shall install Special Energy Meters (SEMs).

Energy losses

  • The treatment of inter-state transmission losses shall be as specified in the relevant regulations of the Central Commission governing Open Access.
  • The buyer of electricity shall bear the approved intra-state transmission losses.
  • The buyer of electricity shall bear the approved wheeling losses of the distribution system.
  • Transmission Losses: For MSEDCL - 3.92% (16-17).


  • Wheeling Losses: The buyer of electricity shall bear the approved wheeling losses of the distribution system, not any part of the commercial losses, as may be determined by the Commission from time to time.

·         For MSEDCL: 33kV – 6%; 22kV/ 11kV – 9%; LT – 12%. (16-17)

Imbalance and Reactive Energy charges


  • The System Marginal Price (SMP) plus other incidental charges (Net Unscheduled Interchange (UI) charges, additional UI charges) or any other intra-state Availability-Based Tariff (ABT) settlement charges or energy charge or Variable Charge of Temporary Tariff category, whichever is applicable.


  • In the event of under-drawal, the Open Access consumer shall not be paid any charges by the distribution licensee.

Banking of Renewable Energy Generation:

  • The surplus energy from a ‘non-firm’ Renewable Energy Generating Station, after set-off, shall be banked with the distribution licensee.
  • The credit for banked energy shall not be permitted during the months of April, May, October and November, and the credit for energy banked in other months shall be as per the energy injected in the respective Time of Day (‘TOD’) slots, determined by the Commission in its orders determining the tariffs of the distribution licensees.
  • The energy banked during peak TOD slots may also be drawn during off-peak TOD slots, but the energy banked during off-peak TOD slots may not be drawn during peak TOD slots.
  • The banking year shall be the financial year from April to March. Banking of energy shall be permitted during all twelve months of the year.
  • Banking charges shall be adjusted in kind, @ 2% of the energy banked.
  • The unutilised banked energy at the end of the financial year, limited to 10% of the actual total generation by such renewable energy generator in such financial year, shall be considered as deemed purchase by the distribution licensee at its Pooled Cost of Power Purchase for that year.

Reactive Energy Charges:

  • The reactive energy charges in respect of renewable energy generating stations shall be in accordance with the charges approved by the Commission in its relevant Tariff Orders.



Reliance Infra:

Tata Power:,



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