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Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission Open Access Regulations (Consolidated), 2013

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Eligibility to seek Open Access

  • As per connectivity requirements.

  • Licensees, generating companies including persons who have established captive generating plants, generation plants, electricity traders and consumers will be eligible subject to payment of appropriate charges.

Electricity Tariff - FY 2017-18 For Kerala State Electricity Board (Rs./Unit)


Energy Charge (Rs/kWh)

HT I (A) – Industry


HT I (B) – IT and ITES Industry


HT II (A) – General


HT II (B) – General

6.20 ( for below 30,000 units per month), 7.20 (for above 30,000 units  per month)

HT IV – Commercial

6.30 ( for below 30,000 units per month), 7.30 (for above 30,000 units  per month)

EHT – Industrial

5.20 (66kV)

5.10 (for 110 kV)

4.70 (For 220 kV)

EHT – Commercial

6.10 ( for below 60,000 units per month), 7.10 (for above 60,000 units  per month)

Connectivity charges and procedure

Intra-state transmission system:

  • A consumer having contracted load above 12 MVA or a generating station with capacity above 12 MW.
  • Application to STU or to the transmission licensee with non refundable fee as notified by commission time to time.
  • Application should be processed within 30 days.
  • The cost of construction/installation of dedicated line or the augmentation of the transmission or distribution system and associated facilities shall be borne by the applicant.

Distribution system:

  • A consumer having contracted load of 12 MVA and less or a generating station having installed capacity of 12 MW and less.
  • Application to be made to distribution licensee and should be processed within 30 days.
  • The cost of construction of dedicated line or the augmentation of the distribution system and associated facilities shall be borne by the applicant.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access

  • Applicability: Open access exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal points, as per table below, with bank guarantee of Rs. 50 per kW.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distribution Licensee area



30 days

Both within the sate but with different licensees. Injection at intra-state transmission system.




120 days


Consumer Connected to Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system area. Injection point is in the distribution system within Kerala.



120 days where system augmentation is not required.

150 days where required.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access

  • Applicability:  Open access exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 3 years
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal points, as per table below.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distribution Licensee area,



30 days

Both within the state but with different licensees. Injection at intra-state transmission system within state.



30 days


Consumer Connected to Transmission System

Both within intra-state transmission system area (Kerala).



30 days


Injection point within distribution system within Kerala.


Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access

  • Applicability: Open access for a period of one month at a time.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal points, as per table below.

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same system (distribution)




5 days

Both within the same state (Kerala) but with different distribution licensees




Injection point in intra-state transmission system.



5 days

Consumer Connected to Intra-State Transmission System

Both connected to intra-state transmission system.



5 days

Injection point within distribution system within the state.



5 days




Allotment priority

Priority 1 – Highest Priority; distribution licensee (irrespective of whether open access sought is for long-term, medium-term or short-term).

Priority 2 - Long-term open access applicants.

Priority 3 -Medium-term open access applicants.

Priority 4 - Short-term open access applicants.

Open Access charges

Transmission and Wheeling charges:

  • Transmission charges payable to State Transmission Utility/transmission licensee other than the STU, and wheeling charges payable to distribution licensee by an open access customer shall be as determined by the Commission.
  • Transmission Charges : Rs. 0.37/ Unit or Rs. 8580/MW/Day ( FY 17-18), whichever is higher
  • Wheeling Charges: Rs. 31/Unit (FY 17-18)

Cross subsidy surcharge:

  • If open access facility is used by a subsidy availing consumer of a distribution licensee of the state, CSS will be payable on per unit basis as determined by the Commission.


CSS for Embedded Consumers

CSS for other than Embedded Consumers

HT I (A) – Industry



HT I (B) – IT and ITES Industry



HT II (A) – General



HT II (B) – General



HT IV – Commercial



EHT – Industrial



EHT – Commercial



Additional surcharge:

Payable to distribution licensee only if conclusively demonstrated that the obligation of the licensee in terms of existing power purchase commitments has been and continues to be stranded or  unavoidable.

Scheduling, Metering


  • Scheduling of inter-state open access transactions shall be done in a manner specified by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time. Scheduling of intra-state OA transactions shall be done by SLDC in accordance with the provisions of the State Grid Code or in accordance with the detailed procedure as approved by the Commission.
  • The scheduling and system operation charges are payable to the SLDC by the open access customer.


  • All generating stations, irrespective of capacity, and all open access customers including embedded consumers, shall be provided with special energy meters (SEM) by the State Transmission Utility or the distribution licensee.

Energy Losses

Transmission Losses:

  • Inter-state: LTOA and MTOA – buyer shall bear the loss.For STOA – both buyer and seller shall bear the loss.
  • Intra-state:Open access customers shall bear the average energy losses in the transmission system as estimated by the State Load Dispatch Centre and approved by the Commission.Such energy losses shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point.

Distribution Loss:

  • Losses shall be borne by the customer.

Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges


  • Drawal over and above the applicable sanctioned open access load accounted for on a daily basis in 15-minute time blocks will be billed at the rate of the grid support charge and accounts shall be settled on monthly basis.


  • Due to non-availability of the distribution system or unscheduled load shedding, the open access customer shall be compensated by the distribution licensee at the average pooled power purchase cost (APPC) of the distribution licensee.
  • In case a generating station, participating exclusively in intra-state open access transactions injects energy in excess of schedule, or the net actual energy drawal by intra-state customers is less than the injection during any time block, such excess injection shall be compensated by the distribution licensee at the unscheduled interchange rates applicable for the time block and quantum of such excess injections.

Reactive Energy Charges:

  • In respect of open access customer (except embedded consumers), the payment for the reactive energy charges shall be in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the IEGC till such provision is stipulated in the State Grid Code or by any order of the Commission.



KSERC(Connectivity and Intra State Open Access) Regulations, 2013:

Retail Supply Tariff Schedule  2017-18:


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