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Kerala Net Metering Regulations - 2014

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Control Period

From the date of publication in the official gazette.

Eligibility Condition
  • Consumers of electricity in the area of supply of the distribution licensee.
  • A solar energy system installed at the consumer’s premises, irrespective of its owner.
  • Solar system capacity shall be > 1 kWp and not exceed 1 MWp.
Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee
  • Cumulative capacity of a low tension solar energy system connected to a distribution transformer shall be less than 15% of the rated capacity of the transformer.
  • Cumulative capacity of a low tension system above 15% of rated capacity shall be allowed up to average load on the transformer.
  • Cumulative capacity of high tension solar energy system connected to a distribution feeder shall be less than 80% of the average load on the feeder.

Metering Arrangement

  • Net meter shall be installed at the interconnection point.
  • Solar meter shall be installed at the delivery point of the solar energy system.




Energy accounting and settlement
  • Excess electricity injected into the distribution system shall be carried forward to the next billing period as banked energy, and shall be used to settle electricity drawn in subsequent periods.
  • Excess drawal of energy from the distribution system shall be recovered by the distribution licensee by charging appropriate tariff after adjusting any balance electricity banked in the previous billing period.
  • Distribution licensee shall pay average pooled purchase cost of electricity to the consumer for banked energy at the end of the settlement period.
  • In case of time of day tariff, energy injected exceeding energy drawn during the normal period shall be offset first against electricity drawn in peak hours and then against off-peak hours in the same billing period.
Other charges

Exempted from banking charge and cross subsidy surcharge.


Not available





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