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Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2004

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • All HT installations with contract demand of 1 MW and above.
  • Open access customers shall be eligible for open access to the intra-state transmission system of the state transmission utility or any transmission licensee(s), and distribution system(s) of the distribution licensee(s) within the state.
  • A captive generating plant.
  • Any generating company having subsisting Power Purchase Agreement with distribution licensee shall not be entered for OA for the capacity for which PPA is entered into except in accordance with the terms of such PPA.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2017-18



BESCOM (and Municipal corporations areas)


HT Industrial


0-1 lakh kWh



Above 1 lakh kWh



HT : Railway traction and ETPs



HT Commercial


0-2 lakh kWh



Above 2 lakh kWh



Connectivity Charges and Procedure

The charges incurred for strengthening the system in order to provide open access for the exclusive use of an open access customer shall be borne by that customer.

Nodal Agency

  • Longterm open access: The State Transmission Utility, if its system is used.Otherwise the nodal agency shall be the distribution licensee, within whose area the point of drawal is situated.
  • For shortterm open access: The State Load Dispatch Centre.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Person availing or intending to avail open access for a period equal to or more than five years.
  • Application: To nodal agency with a copy marked to the distribution licensee of the area.
  • Non-refundable processing fee: Rs.5,000 and Bank Guaranty of Rs. 10,000/MW.
  • Time frame for processing application: 30 days from the date of receipt of application.If system strengthening is required, same should be informed within 30 days.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)


Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

·         Applicability : Person availing or intending to avail open access for a period of less than one year -Application to be madeto the nodal agency with a copy marked to the distribution licensee of the area.

  • For generating stations yet to be commissioned -Application shall be made not before two months prior to the commissioning date.
  • Non-refundable processing fee : Rs.1,000.
  • Time frame for processing of application: 7 days from the date of receipt of application.If system strengthening is required, same should be informed within 30 days.




Allotment priority

Criteria to be considered:

·          Distribution licensee for long term.

·          Other open access consumers for long term.

·          Distribution licensee for short term.

·          Other open access customers for short term.

  • Person applying for Open Access for a longer duration shall have preference over the person applying for shorter duration, at any given time.
  • In case of STOA congestion, allotment shallbe done through bidding.

Open Access charges

  • If intra-state transmission system or distribution system is used by an open access customer in addition to inter-state transmission system,transmission charges and wheeling charges shall be payable for use of intra state system in addition to payment of inter-state transmission charges.
  • Where a dedicated transmission or distribution system used for open access has been constructed for exclusive use of an open access customer, the transmission charges or wheeling charges for such dedicated system shall be borne entirely by the open access customer till such time as surplus capacity is allotted to and used by other persons or for other purposes.
  • An open access consumer shall pay two month’s charges as security depositto the concerned nodal agency, as applicable, to secure the licensee against default in payments.

Transmission Charges:

No charges for developers of renewable energy sources who generate and supply within the state (intra-state transaction).

Cross Subsidy Surcharge:

Not applicable to renewable energy generators who have been exempted by specific orders of the Commission.

For other renewable energy generators the cross subsidy surcharge would be (P/U):

For BESCOM, HESCOM, (FY 17-18)



HT -1

HT – 2a(i)

HT – 2a(ii)

HT – 2b (i)

HT – 2b (ii)

HT – 2c (i)

HT – 2c (ii)


66kV and above

















Wheeling Charges:

No wheeling charges for energy transmitted or wheeled from renewable energy consumer in the state (Tariff orders 2017-18).



Scheduling and Metering


Scheduling and system operation charges shall be payable by all open access customers who are under scheduling by SLDC.

SLDC Charges: Rs. 34.36 /MW/Day ( Tariff Order 17-18, clarification)


Tri-vector meters with Time of Day (TOD) facility shall be installed by open access customers.

Energy losses

The Commission would allow average loss compensation of the relevant voltage level for open access transactions. Energy losses of the transmission and distribution system shall be calculated in accordance with the methodology specified by the Commission from time to time.

Transmission losses (FY 2017-18) :

  • KPTCL: 3.37%

Wheeling losses (FY 17-18) :

  • BESCOM : HT – 2.58%, LT – 8.88%
  • HESCOM: HT – 5.56%, LT – 9.29%
  • GESCOM: HT – 4.54%, LT – 6.03%
  • CESC: HT – 4.25%, LT – 7.25%
  • MESCOM: HT –4.36%, LT – 6.65%

Imbalance and Deviation energy charges

     Deviation and Imbalance energy charges

  • Calculated for each time block (15 minutes).
  • Payable by generators on the basis of actual error calculated.
  • Permissible limit is 15% (within the limit >85%).
  • Banking charges of 2% of the injected energy for wind and mini-hydel projects only who are not availing benefits of REC.

Deviation settlement charges beyond permissible limit :

  • 15% to 25% - Rs.0.50 /kWh.
  • 25% to 35% - Rs.0.50/kWh upto 25% and Rs.1/kWh from 25% to 35% .
  • Beyond 35% - Rs.1.5/Unit.





KERC (Open Access) Regulations, 2004

KERC (Open Access)Regulations -  First Amendment

 KERC (Open Access)Regulations -  Second Amendment

 KERC (Open Access)Regulations -  Third  Amendment

 BESCOM Tariff Order:

GESCOM Tariff Order:

MESCOM Tariff Order:

HESCOM Tariff Oder :

CESC Tariff Order 2017-18:

KPTCL Tariff Order:


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