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Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission
Goa and Union Territories (Open Access in Transmission and Distribution) Regulations, 2009

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • all consumers requiring a supply of electricity where the maximum power to be made available at any time exceeds 1 MW

Electricity Tariff

FY 2016-17


Andaman and Nicobar  (Industrial HT)

·         0-500 Units: Rs. 5.70 / Unit

·         500 + Units: Rs. 6.80 / Unit


·         Large Industrial : 5.65

Daman and Diu

·         4.15 : 100kVA +, @11/66kV

·         4.10 : Ferro and Steel Industry

Dadra and Nagar Haveli

·         3.40


·         HT Commercial : 5.50

·         HT Industrial (11/33kV) : 4.30

·         HT Industrial (110 kV) : 4.20


·         HT (Industry and Commercial) : 5.25

·         HT (EHT) : 5.30

Connectivity Charges and Procedure

·         -Not available-

Nodal Agency

  • For LTOA: State Transmission Utility
  • For STOA: State Load Dispatch Centre

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for the term of 25 years or more
  •  Allowed in accordance with the transmission planning criterion stipulated in Grid Code
  • Application to the nodal agency with application fee of Rs. 50,000.
  • Time frame: Intimation regarding feasibility of access without system strengthening - 30 days and Intimation of results of system strengthening studies with cost estimates and
  •  completion schedule - 90 days
  •  A long-term open access user shall enter into Bulk Power Transmission / Distribution Capacity Agreement with the transmission / distribution licensee for use of their transmission system and distribution network.
  •  The relinquishment or transfer of rights and obligations: Only by prior permission of commission and subject to payment of compensation, as may be determined by the Commission.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

-      NA  - 

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Applicability : Open Access for the term of 25 years or less (other than LTOA)
  • Application to nodal agency with application fee of Rs. 5,000.
  • Reserved capacity shall not be transferred.
  •  If the capacity sought to be reserved is less than the available capacity , each short-term  open access user shall pay the transmission or wheeling charges in accordance with Regulation.
  • Non-utilised capacity: SLDC may reduce or cancel non-utilised capacity and allot it to other. STOA consumer shall bear the transmission / wheeling charges and the scheduling and system operation charge based on the original reserved transmission capacity for seven days or the period of reservation surrendered or reduced or cancelled, shorter applicable.
  • Time frame : Open Access term up to one week - 2 days and for more than a week - 3 days




Allotment Priority

  • Higher allotment priority to LTOA over STOA

  • No discrimination with the same category  

Open Access Charges

  • Every licensee shall declare rate in Rs per MW per day, which shall remain fixed for a period of one year.
  •  Security deposit equal to 3 months of average billing shall be maintained at the respective agency. (SLDC or STU)

Transmission Charges

  • ·         Dadra and Nagar Haveli: For LTOA and MTOA : Rs. 818.59 /MW/day
  • ·         Dadra and Nagar Haveli : For STOA : Rs. 204.65/MW/day
  • ·         Puducherry : NIL

Cross Subsidy Surcharge

  • Not applicable to those availing open access facility to transfer power from their captive generating plants to the destination of their own use.
  • Chandigarh : Rs. 1.78 /unit
  •  Daman and Diu: Rs. 0.52/unit 
  • Goa: Rs. 0.61/ unit
  • Puducherry: For EHT Rs. 1.77/ unit ;  For HT Rs. 2.10/Unit

Wheeling Charges

  • Chandigarh : Rs. 0.53 /unit
  • Daman and Diu: Rs. 0.38/unit 
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli: Rs. 0.19 / unit
  • Goa: Rs. 0.99/ unit
  • Puducherry: Rs. 0.53/ unit

Additional Surcharge

  • To be decided by commission and payable only if it is conclusively demonstrated that the obligation of a licensee, in terms of existing power purchase commitments, has been and continues to be stranded, or there is an unavoidable obligation and incidence to bear fixed costs consequent to such contract.
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli : 11kV (1MW+) : Rs. 0.66/Unit ; for 66kV Rs. 0.63/Unit ; for 220kV Rs.0.54/unit

Scheduling and Metering


  • Scheduling and system operation charges shall be payable by a supplier as well as his consumer availing open access under these Regulations
  • STOA: The scheduling and system operation charges of Rs.1000/-per day or part of the
  • day shall be paid to State Load Dispatch Centre.
  • LTOA: As determined by commission from time to time


  •  User shall provide ABT compatible Special Energy Meter as Main Meter capable of time differentiated measurements (15 minutes) of active energy and voltage differentiated measurement of reactive energy as specified by STU or SLDC according to the Metering Code of CEA

Energy Losses

  • The loss in the transmission system and distribution network shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point(s)
  • Transmission and Wheeling Losses
  • Chandigarh ( T&D Losses): 12.75% (Transmission Losses :4.05%)
  • Daman and Diu (T&D losses): 8.40%
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli : Transmission losses – 0.337%, Distribution Losses – 4.70%
  • Puducherry : LT losses – 12.23%

Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

Imbalance Energy Charges

  • A generating station with a total capacity of generation up to 15 MW may operate under UI regime and inject power into the state pool and will be paid for such injection of generation into grid at the UI rate from the state pool account.
  • generating stations with a total capacity above 15 MW shall be regulated according to CERC stipulations to avoid gaming.
        Reactive Energy Charges
  •  Abc
  •  Abc



JERC For State of Goa and Union Territories (Open Access in Transmission and Distribution) Regulations, 2009


DNH Distribution Tariff Order (FY 17-18)


Electricity Department of Daman and Diu Tariff Order 2017-18


Electricity Department of Goa Tariff Order FY 2017-18


Electricity Department of Puducherry Tariff Order FY 2017-18


Chandigarh Electricity Department Tariff Order FY 2017-18


DNH Transmission Tariff Order 2017-18


Electricity Department Lakshadweep Tariff Order 2017-18


Electricity Department of Andaman and Nicobar Tariff Order 2017-18  




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