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Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the States of Manipur & Mizoram
(Renewable Purchase Obligation and its Compliance) Regulations, 2010

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Control Period

Not available.

Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)


Minimum quantum of purchase (in %) from renewable energy sources (in terms of energy equivalent in kWh)

For Manipur

For Mizoram













  • Solar obligation: 0.25% percentage point out of the total consumption.
  • Procurement of RE power generated within the state by distribution licensee at rate other than rate specified by the Commission shall not be considered towards fulfilment of RPO of such distribution licensee.
  • Compliance for Manipur (FY 2015-16) - 0.00%
  • Compliance for Mizoram (FY 2015-16) - 43.90%
Obligated Entities
  • Distribution licensee.
  • Any other person consuming electricity of 1MW and above, generated from conventional captive generating plant for his own use, and/or procured from conventional generation through open access/third party sale.
Ways to Meet RPO Own generation or procurement of power from RE developer or purchase from other licensee or purchase of renewable energy certificates or anycombination thereof.
  • Obligation to purchase solar and non-solar energy can be fulfilled only by purchase of solar and non-solar certificates, respectively.
  • Certificates purchased by obligated entities shall be deposited with the Commission as per procedure issued by the central agency.




State agency
  • Mizoram: Zoram Energy Development Agency.
  • Manipur : Manipur Renewable Energy Development Agency
Effect of default
  • In case of non-fulfilment of RPO by obligated entities, the obligated entity may be asked by the Commission to deposit an amount into a separate fund created and maintained by the obligated entity.
  • The amount of deposit shall be decided by the Commission on the basis of shortfall in RPO, RPO regulatory charges and the forbearance price.
  • The fund shall be utilized as per the Commission’s directives for purchase of renewable energy certificates.
Monitoring and Implementation framework

The state agency shall submit quarterly status to the Commission in respect of compliance of renewable purchase obligation by the obligated entities and may suggest appropriate action to the Commission to meet RPO compliance.





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