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Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram
(Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2010

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

·         For those consumers with a connected load of 1 MW and above.

·         Open access consumer who wishes to purchase electricity from outside the states of Mizoram/Manipur, and generator located in the state, must comply with the regulations issued by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission with respect to gaining access to the inter-state transmission system and the transmission system of the state where the point of injection of the generator or trader is located.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2017-18








HT commercial



HT industry

4.50 (Medium)


HT large industry



HT bulk



Connectivity Charges and Procedure

-not available-

Nodal Agency

·         For MTOA and LTOA: STU for transactions where the point of drawal or point of injection is located on the intra-state transmission network; otherwise the distribution licensee of the area where the point of drawal is located.

·         For STOA: SLDC (State Load Dispatch Centre).

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA) and Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • Applicability : LTOA customer wishing to avail of OA for a period of more than 5 years.
  • Applicability : MTOA customer wishing to avail of OA for a period more than one month and up to 5 years.
  • For LTOA and MTOA customers - Application to nodal agency with application fee of Rs.1 lakh.
  • If required, applicant may request and pay the nodal agency to carry out system studies and preliminary investigation for the purpose of cost estimates and completion schedule for system strengthening. Study to be carried out in 90 days from receipt of such request.
  • Applicant shall reimburse the system strengthening study, limited to Rs. 50,000.


Type of Service/Activity

Maximum Processing Time

Intimation regarding feasibility of access without system strengthening.

30 days

Intimation of results of studies for system strengthening with cost estimates and completion schedule.

90 days


Relinquishment of OA rights: Not allowed without prior approval of nodal agency and shall be in accordance with OA agreement.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

·         Applicability: OA customer wishing to avail of OA for a period up to one month.

·         Application to SLDC with application fee of Rs.5,000.

·         In case more than one customer applies on the limited capacity, allotment shall be by snap bidding by SLDC.

Type of Service/Activity

Maximum Processing Time

Up to one day

12 hours

   Up to one week

2 days

     Up to one month

7 days


  • Relinquishment of OA rights: Not allowed without prior approval of nodal agency, and customer shall bear full open access charges for the original capacity and period for which capacity was reserved.





Allotment priority

  • 1. The distribution licensee for MTOA and LTOA.
  • 2. Other OA customers including existing generating stations for LTOA and MTOA.
  • 3. Distribution licensee for STOA.
  • 4. Other OA customers for STOA.
  • Decision to be based on first-come, first-served basis within the respective priority groups.
  • STOA will be allowed only if request can be accommodated within the existing margin of capacity.

Open Access charges

Nodal agency will be responsible for billing, collection and remittance (to respective licensees) of open access charges.


Transmission Charges:


  • Manipur: Transmission Tariff of Rs. 1.65 lakh/MW/month (Tariff Order 16-17).
  • Mizoram: Transmission Tariff of Rs.0.43/kWh or Rs. 1,16,410/MW/Month, Rs. 3827/MW/Day (Tariff order 17-18)


Cross Subsidy Surcharge:


  • Not payable in case of captive generating plant and electricity for self consumption.


Wheeling Charges:


  • Rate for OA consumer will be the same for all categories.
  • Manipur: Wheeling charges – Rs. 0.86/kWh.(FY 17-18)  
  • Mizoram : Wheeling charges – Rs. 0.81 /kWh. (FY 17-18)

Additional Surcharge:


  • Shall be determined by the Commission on the basis of statement of account submitted by the licensee.
  • Leviable for maximum period of 3 years and adjusted annually by the Commission.

Scheduling and Metering


  • The scheduling and system operation charges payable to State Load Despatch Centre by MTOA and LTOA customers shall be the same as determined by the Commission.
  • The STOA shall pay Rs.1000 per day or part of the day, to the SLDC.
  • An open access consumer shall be required to submit an ex-ante day ahead drawal schedule to the SLDC in accordance with CERC’s availability based tariff regulations. The open access consumer will receive or pay UI charges for any difference between the scheduled and the actual drawal at open access consumer’s drawal point(s), at the UI schedule determined by the Commission, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Tariff Regulations.



  • The open access consumer shall provide ABT compatible Special Energy Meters as Main Meters capable of time-differentiated measurements (15 minutes) of active energy and voltage differentiated measurement of reactive energy.

Energy losses

The energy losses on account of use of the transmission and distribution system shall be adjusted in proportion to the energy drawn by the open access consumer on the basis of actual losses in the system for that category of consumer during the previous year.


Transmission losses:


  • Interstate Transmission losses at 3.22%
  • Manipur: Intra-state transmission loss of 3.6% considered tentatively for control period of FY 16-17 and FY 17-18.
  • Mizoram : Considered as 3% (FY 17-18)


Distribution losses:


  • Manipur: Distribution loss –18.4% (FY 17-18).
  • Mizoram: Distribution loss – 18.4% (FY 17-18).

Imbalance and Reactive energy charges

Accounted on the basis of time block (15 minutes).

Imbalance Deviation Energy Charges


Absolute error in the 15- minute time block.


Deviation charges payable.


< = 10%


>10% but <=20%

At Rs.0.50 per unit for the shortfall or excess energy for absolute error beyond

10% and up to 20%.

>20% but <=30%

At Rs.0.50 per unit for the shortfall or excess energy beyond 10% and up to


+ Rs.1.00 per unit for balance energy beyond 20% and up to 30%.


At Rs.0.50 per unit for the shortfall or excess energy beyond 10% and up to


+ Rs.1.00 per unit for shortfall or excess energy beyond 20% and up to 30%.

+Rs. 1.50 per unit for balance energy beyond 30%.

Reactive Energy Charges


The payment for the reactive energy charges for the open access customer shall be calculated in accordance with the scheme applicable.



JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2010 :


Draft JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2016;


Tariff order 2017-18 For Manipur State Power Distribution Company Ltd


Tariff Order 2017-18 for Power and Electricity Department, Government of Mizoram



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