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Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for Manipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016

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Control Period

Not available.

Eligibility Conditions

  • A consumer of distribution licensee.

  • System installed at the consumer’s premises to offset the consumer’s own electrical requirement (may be owned by consumer or third party).

    • Shall be within permissible rated capacity of minimum 1 kWp to 1 MWp, or sanctioned load/contracted demand or sanctioned demand (PF considered as 0.9) whichever is less.

    • Rooftop solar projects of rating higher than 500 kWp can be considered only if the distribution system stays stable.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

  • Maximum total capacity (in MW) should not exceed the target capacity for meeting the annual Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) requirement determined by the Commission.

  • Initially, a total maximum cumulative capacity of 10 MW shall be allowed under net and gross metering, on yearly basis.

  • Limited to cumulative capacity of 40% of rated capacity of the transformer.

Metering Arrangement

  • The bi-directional (net meter) shall be installed at the interconnection point of the eligible consumer with the network of the distribution licensee.

  • Renewable energy meter shall be installed at the renewable facility, after the inverter.

  • Check meters shall be mandatory for rooftop solar systems having capacity more than 250 kW.




Energy accounting and settlement

For Net Metering:

  • As per the agreement between consumer/generator and distribution licensee.

  • In case the eligible consumer is under the ambit of TOD tariff, the electricity consumption in anytime block, i.e. peak hours, off peak hours etc., shall be first compensated with the electricity injected in the same time block.

  • The surplus energy measured in kWh/kVAh shall be utilized to offset the consumption measured in kWh/kVAh.

  • The consumer shall be paid for net energy credits which remain unadjusted at the end of the settlement period, at the levellised tariff (feed-in-tariff) determined and fixed by the Commission from time to time, depending on prevailing circumstances.

For Gross Metering:

  • The applicable tariff for rooftop solar energy shall be the levellised tariff determined and fixed by the Commission from time to time.

Other charges

Exempted from wheeling charges and various provisions of JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Terms & Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2010.


In case of failure of net metering system, provision of penalty or compensation as per the provisions of Standards of Performance Regulations for distribution licensee.



JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) Regulations, 2016:

JERC for Manipur and Mizoram (Metering for Grid Connected Renewable Energy) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2016:



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