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Jharkhand Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) - 2016

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA) All consumers having demand of 1 MW and above (except generating plants).

Electricity Tariff for JBVNL (2016-17)


High Tension Supply


HTS – 11kV


HTS – 33 kV


HTS – 132 kV +


Connectivity Charges and Procedure
  • For load of 10 MW and above, or a generating station or a captive generating plant having installed capacity of 10 MW, connectivity shall be at 33 kV or above.
  • For load less than 10 MW, or a generating station or a captive generating plant having installed capacity of less than 10 MW - connectivity shall be at 11 kV or below.


For Connectivity to Intra-State Transmission System:

Application to STU with Application Fee of Rs.2 lakh or as specified by STU.

Time frame: 60days.

Applicant may be required by the State Transmission Utility to construct a dedicated line to the point of connection to enable connectivity to the grid.

For Connectivity to Distribution System:

Application to distribution licensee with Application Fee of Rs.2 lakhs or as specified by licensee.

Time frame : 30 days

Nodal Agency For STOA and MTOA : SLDC


Consent is needed from STU, SLDC or distribution licensee wherever involved. Time for consent is 3 working days, otherwise shall be deemed to be granted.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)
  • Applicability: Open Access for a period exceeding 12 years but not more than 25 years.
  • LTOA shall be allowed in accordance with the transmission system planning criteria and the distribution system planning criteria stipulated in the State Grid Code, or as specified by the Commission from time to time.
  • Nodal Agency (Intra-state): State Transmission Utility (STU).
  • Application Fee (Intra-state): Rs.2,00,000.
  • Bank Guarantee: Rs. 10,000 per MW

  • Time Frame (Intra-state) :

  • 40 days if the open access is required within the system of same distribution licensee and no augmentation work of distribution system is involved.

  • In all other cases, 120 days in case no augmentation work is involved, and 180 days or actual number of days as may be required, whichever is earlier, in case augmentation work is involved.

  • Relinquishment of Open Access rights: If access rights availed for 12 years or more -no charges if notice period of one year is given.If notice period is less than one year, 60% of estimated transmission charges for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short of the notice period shall be payable by the consumer.

If access rights availed for less than 12 years - 60% of estimated transmission charges will be payable for the stranded transmission capacity for the period falling short


Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)
  • Applicability: Open access for a period exceeding 3 months but not more than 3 years.
  • MTOA shall be granted if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing transmission system and distribution system.
  • The start date of the MTOA shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.
  • Nodal Agency (Intra-state): State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).
  • Application Fee (Intra-state): Rs.1,00,000.
  • Time Frame (Intra-state) : 40 days
  • Relinquishment of Open Access rights: 30 days notice, and shall pay applicable transmission charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days whichever is less.
Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Applicability: Open access for a period of up to one month at a time.
  • STOA allowed over the surplus capacity available on the intra-state transmission system/distribution system after use by LTOA and MTOA consumers.
  • Advance OA: An application to be submitted in advance, up to the 15th day of the preceding month.
  • Day ahead OA: Within three days prior to the date of scheduling, but not later than 1300 hours of the day immediately preceding the day of scheduling for day-ahead transaction.
  • Nodal Agency (Intra-state): State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC)
  • Application Fee (Intra-state): Rs.5,000.
  • Time Frame (Intra-state) : a) Seven working days if applying for the first time, and five working days for subsequent applications, if connection being sought is on system of intra-state transmission licensee. b)Ten working days if applying for the first time, and five working days for subsequent applications, if connection being sought is on system of distribution licensee.
  • In case of congestion: Allotment by bidding.
  • Relinquishment of Open Access rights: Consumer shall pay the transmission charges for the first two days of the period for which the cancellation or downward revision of schedule, as the case may be, has been sought, in accordance with the schedule originally approved by the Nodal Agency, and thereafter in accordance with the revised schedule prepared by the Nodal Agency during the period of such cancellation or downward revision.
  • In case of cancellation, operating charges specified in these regulations shall be payable for two days or the period of cancellation in days, whichever is less.




Allotment priority

  • A distribution licensee shall have the highest priority irrespective of term of OA.
  • LTOA applicants shall have priority after distribution licensees.
  • MTOA applicants shall have priority after LTOA applicants.
  • STOA applicants shall have priority after MTOA applicants, subject to capacity availability.

Open Access charges

Transmission/Distribution charges

  • 50% of the charges collected from the short-term consumer shall be retained by the licensee and the balance 50% shall be adjusted towards reduction in the charges payable by long-term consumers.
  • For JUSNL: Transmission Tariff - Rs.0.19/kWh (FY 2016-17)

Cross subsidy surcharge

  • Payable monthly, on per unit basis, for the actual energy drawn.

Wheeling charges

  • Wheeling tariff: Rs.0.46/kWh (FY 16-17)

Additional surcharge

  • Consumer shall pay to the distribution licensee an additional surcharge to meet the fixed cost of such distribution licensee.
  • Additional surcharge shall not be levied in case open access is provided to a person who has established a captive generation plant for carrying the electricity to the destination of his own use.
  • Payable monthly on per unit basis for actual energy drawn, as determined by the Commission.
  • Fixed stand-by demand charges (if contracted): To be paid to the concerned distribution licensee @ Rs.35/kVA/month (or as per the order of the Commission as specified from time to time) for stand-by demand contracted.

Scheduling and Metering


  • Scheduling of all transactions pursuant to grant of LTOA, MTOA or STOA shall be carried out on day-ahead basis, in accordance with the relevant provisions of IEGC/ CERC Open Access Regulations for inter-state transactions and in accordance with State Grid Code/Commission’s orders for intra-state transactions, as declared from time to time.
  • Deviations shall be settled based on the composite accounts for imbalance transactions issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle .
  • For intra-state LTOA, MTOA: SLDC fees as determined by the Commission.

For STOA: A composite operational charge @ Rs.2,000 per day or as decided by the Commission.


  • Consumer/generator shall have to install ABT compliant meters at their place (point of injection) for energy accounting, and Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) to facilitate SLDC in real time monitoring.

Energy losses

  • Inter-state Open Access LTOA and MTOA: The buyer/seller of electricity shall bear apportioned energy losses in the transmission system in accordance with the provisions specified by the Central Commission.
  • For STOA: The buyers and sellers of electricity shall absorb apportioned energy losses in the transmission system in accordance with the provisions specified by the Central Commission.
  • Intra-state System: Losses shall be determined by the Commission in its Tariff Order for the applicable year and shall be apportioned in proportion to the actual energy drawal by the open access consumer. The energy losses shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point(s).
  • The open access consumer availing supply at 220/132 kV, shall be required to bear only the transmission losses.
  • Consumers availing supply at 66/33 kV shall bear 15% of the distribution losses in addition to transmission losses. The open access consumer connected at 11 KV shall bear 40% of the distribution losses in addition to transmission losses.

Transmission Losses

  • Intra State Transmission Loss : 5% (FY 16-17)

Distribution Losses

  • For JBVNL: 15.5% (16-17)

Imbalance and Reactive energy charges

Imbalance energy charges

  • Uncontrollable sources (all renewable sources except biomass based plants having installed capacity of 10 MW and above) would not be required to give day-ahead schedules.
  • For such OAG (Open Access Generator), actual generation in each 15-minute time block recorded by ABT meter will be treated as schedule, which shall be used for the settlement of its concerned OACs. For such OAG, UI shall also be zero.
  • For overdrawal and within contacted demand: The  consumer is liable to pay as per the tariff applicable. For more than contracted demand, the consumer is liable to pay at the penal rate as per relevant tariff order.
  • Payable by consumer to distribution licensee: 1.05 x (UI Rate corresponding to Avg. frequency in time block) x (1/4) x (Actual consumption – Scheduled consumption) x 1000.
  • For underdrawal: If consumer is unable to consume power on account of planned outage by STU/distribution licensee, the consumer shall be compensated. In case of the planned outage in the no compensation for consumer.
  • Payable to consumer by distribution licensee:0.95 x (UI Rate corresponding to Avg. frequency in time block) x (1/4) x (Actual consumption- Scheduled consumption) x 1000.

Reactive energy charges

  • The Open Access Consumer (OAC) and Open Access Generator (OAG) are expected to provide VAR compensation in such a way that there is no drawal/injection of reactive power from the transmission/distribution network.

Parallel operation charges

  • Applicable on consumer having captive plant running in parallel to grid of distribution or transmission licensee.

  • Charged at rate of Rs. Per KVA per month, as decided by commission time to time.



JSERC (Terms and Conditions for Intra-State Open Access) Regulations, 2016:

JSERC (Balancing & Settlement Mechanism For Open Access) Regulations, 2010:

JBVNL Tariff Order 2016-17:

JUSNL Tariff Order 2015-16(Latest Available):


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