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Jammu and Kashmir State Electricity Regulatory Commission Intra-State Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) -2015

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Permissible to consumers and generators connected to intra-state transmission system, or any transmission licensee on payment of transmission and other charges.
  • Permissible to the consumers located within the area of the distribution licensee of the State having contracted load of 1 MWand above and connected to the distribution system of the licensee at 33 kV or above.

Electricity Charges (FY 2016-17)


General Purpose

HT Industrial (Power Intensive)

HT Industrial

11 kV Supply

Energy charges




33 kV Supply

Energy charges




Connectivity Charges and Procedure

  • A consumer having load of 10 MW and above, or a generating station having capacity of 10 MW+ will be eligible to obtain connectivity at 132 kV or above.
  • A consumer having load of less than 10 MW, or a generating station having installed capacity not exceeding 10 MW will be eligible to obtain connectivity at 66kV/33 kV.

Connectivity above 132 kV.

  • Apply to STU (State Transmission Utility) with non-refundable application fee of Rs.2 lakhs.
  • Time frame: 30 days.
  • If dedicated line needs to be constructed for connectivity, cost shall be borne by applicant.

Connectivity to distribution system by a generating station.

  • Apply to distribution licensee with application fee of Rs.2 lakhs.

·         In cases where augmentation of the distribution licensee’ssub-station is involved, the generating station shall also bear the cost.

Connectivity to distribution system by a consumer.

  •  As per procedure laid down in J&K State Electricity Supply Code and J&K State Distribution Code

Nodal Agency and General Provisions

  • Applicant shall apply to respective nodal agencies as per the point of injection/drawal, tenure and connectivity.
  • Consent is needed from STU, SLDC or distribution licensee wherever involved. Time forconsent - 3 working days, otherwise shall be deemed to be granted.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open access for period exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years
  • Application to nodal agency with bank guarantee of Rs. 10,000 (ten thousand) per MW of the total power to be transmitted.
  • Relinquishing Open Access Rights: No charges if notice of 1 year is given. If noticeperiod is less than one year then the customer shall pay an amount equal to 66%of the estimated open access charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission and/or distribution capacity for the period falling short.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency with application fee as per the location of injection and drawal point as given in table below;

Location of Injection and Drawal Points

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distributionsystem area

Concerned Distribution Licensee

Rs.50,000 (10 MW+),else Rs.25,000.

20 Days

Both within the sate but having different distribution licensees. Injection at intra state transmission system


Rs.1,00,000 (for 10MW+), else Rs.50,000.

120 days where augmentation of transmissionsystem is not required.

150 days where required.

Consumer Connected to Intra-State Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.


Rs.2,00,000 (for 10MW+), else Rs.1,00,000

120 days where systemaugmentation is not required.

150 days where required.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

Applicability: Open access for a period exceeding three months but not exceeding 3 years .

The start date of the MTOA shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.

No augmentation shall be carried out to the transmission/distribution system for the sole purpose of granting medium-term open access.

Relinquishing OA Rights: Notice of 30 days and payment of applicable open access charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days whichever is less.

Applicant shall apply to nodal agency with application fee as per the location of injection and drawal point as given in table below;

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same Distribution Licensee area

Concerned Distribution Licensee

Rs.50,000 (10MW+), else Rs.25,000

20 days

Both within the sate but with different distribution licensees. Injection at intra-state transmission system.


Rs.1,00,000 (for 10MW+), else Rs.50,000.

40 days

Consumer Connected to Intra-State Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.


Rs.1,00,000(for 10MW+), else Rs.50,000


Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

Applicability: Open access for period of upto one month at a time.

No augmentation shall be carried out to the transmission/distribution system for the sole purpose of granting short-term open access.

In case of congestion, allotment shall be through bidding.

Applicant shall apply to nodal agency with application fee as per the location of injection and drawal point as given in table below; 

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same Distribution Licensee area.

Concerned Distribution Licensee


7 working days in case STOA applied for the first time.

3 working days for subsequent STOA applications.


Both within the state but with different Distribution licensee’s areas. Injection at intra-state transmission system.




In different states

RLDC of region


CERC regulations

Consumer Connected to Intra-State Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.



7 working days in case STOA applied for the first time.


3 working days for subsequent STOA applications.




Allotment priority

1. Distribution licensee (irrespective of term of open access).

2. Long-Term Open Access.

3. Medium-Term Open Access.

4. Short-Term Open Access, subject to capacity availability.

Open Access charges

Transmission Charges

  • Payable on the basis of contracted capacity/scheduled load or actual power flow, whichever is higher.
  • Transmission charge for FY 16-17 - Rs.1210 (Rs./MW/day).


Cross Subsidy Surcharge

  • Determined on per unit basis and shall be payable on a monthly basis as per actual energy drawn.
  • For FY 16-17 the cross subsidy surcharge shall be nil.


Wheeling Charges

  • Payable on the basis of contracted capacity/scheduled load or actual power flow, whichever is higher.
  • Wheeling charge for FY 16-17 - Rs.8140 ( Rs./MW/day)


Additional Surcharge

  • Applicable only if the obligation of the licensee in terms of power purchase
    commitments has been and continues to be stranded or there is an unavoidableobligation and incidence to bear fixed costs consequent to such a contract.
  • Applicable on case to case basis keeping in view the amount of fixed/ capacitycost allowed to distribution utility/licensee.

Scheduling and Metering

  • For LTOA: SLDC charges will be payable.
  • For STOA: Composite operating charge at Rs.2,000 per day or as determined by the Commission from time to time.



  • As specified by the Central Commission for inter-state open access transactions.
  • Intra-state open access transactions shall be scheduled by SLDC in accordance with the provisions of the State Grid Code.



  • Special energy meters shall be provided by the State Transmission Utility or the distribution licensee, as the case may be, for and at the cost of the open accesscustomers.

Energy losses

Transmission Losses

  • System transmission losses shall be payable in kind by all open access customers.
  • Inter-state LTOA and MTOA: Buyer shall bear apportioned energy losses.
  • Inter-state STOA: Both buyer and seller shall absorb apportioned energy losses.
  • Intra-state Open Access: Losses shall be determined by the Commission in the tariff order, and shall be apportioned in proportion to the actual energy drawal by the open access customer and shall be payable in kind.
  • Transmission losses to be considered for FY 2016-17 : 4%


Distribution Losses

  • Payable in kind by generators and traders who are connected through the distributionsystem of the licensee.
  • Distribution Losses (HV) for FY 2016-17: 5%

Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

Imbalance Energy Charges:

  • For load less than 10MW: Accounted through Time of Day (ToD) meters, on monthly basis, and settled at the rate of the imbalance charge as determined by the Commission.


  • Underdrawal : If due to non-availability of the distribution system or unscheduledload shedding, the consumer shall be compensated by the distribution licensee at the average power purchase cost of the distribution licensee or the contract price of energy for the open access consumer,
    whichever is lower.


  • Loadhigher than 10MW:Shall be settled based on the composite accounts for imbalance transactions issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle based on net metering in accordance with the rates specified by the Commission.


Reactive Energy Charges:

  • In accordance with provisions stipulated in the IEGC till such provision is
    stipulated in the State Grid Code.





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