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Jammu and Kashmir Net Metering Regulations - 2014

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Control Period

Not available.

Eligibility Condition

  • A consumer of the distribution licensee.
  • A consumer in the area of supply of a local distribution licensee.
    • Rooftop solar system shall be of minimum 1kWp and up to 1 MWp capacity with or without battery back-up support.
    • It shall be located on the consumer’s premises.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

Cumulative capacity of rooftop solar system to be allowed to a particular distribution transformer where level shall not exceed 20% of the rated capacity of such distribution transformer.

Metering Arrangement

  • Net meters shall be installed at the interconnection point.
  • Solar meter shall be installed at the solar facility after the inverter.




Energy accounting and settlement
  • Excess electricity injected during a billing period shall be carried forward to the next billing period as electricity billed and may be used in the next billing period within the same settlement period.
  • Distribution licensee shall raise bills for net electricity consumption after taking into account electricity credit balance from the previous billing period.
  • In case of time of day tariff,the electricity consumption in any time period shall be adjusted against injection in the same timeperiod, and any excess injection over and above the consumption in any other time periodshall be treated as if the injection occurred in off-peak hours.
  • Excess generation in a billing cycle shall be carried forward to the next billing cycle within the same settlement period.
  • In case generation is greater than 90% of consumption after a settlement period, the excess generation shall not be carried over and no payment shall be paid.
Other charges

Solar rooftop systems shall be exempted from various provisions of JKSERC (Terms and Conditions for Intra-State Open Access) Regulations, 2015.


In case of failure to meet the requirements of these regulations, the solar power generator shall be liable to pay penalty.





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