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Himachal Pradesh Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) - 2010

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • A supply of electricity, for their own use, with the contract demand exceeding 1 MVA


  • Having installed captive generating plants and requiring open access to the distribution system for conveyance of power to the destination of use at the consumer’s premises.

Electricity Tariff FY 2017-18 (Rs./kVAh)



Large Industry - EHT


Large Industry – HT – Upto 1 MVA


Large Industry – HT – More than 1 MVA


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

  • Application to nodal agency (as given below) with fee as prescribed according to tenure of the OA intended.
  • Connectivity to  intra-State transmission system for load more than 5 MW; or to the distribution system if load more than 1 MW;


Application Fee for LTOA and MTOA(connectivity) :

Quantum of Power To be Transacted

Application fee (Rs. Lakhs)

Upto 5 MW


More than 5 MW and up to 10 MW


More than 10MW



  • Time Frame - 60 days for connectivity (LTOA and MTOA).

Nodal Agency

  • State Transmission Utility (STU) - For grant of connectivity, LTOA and MTOA to the intra-state transmission system.
  • Distribution Licensee - For grant of connectivity for LTOA and MTOA to the distribution system.
  • State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) for STOA to any transmission/distribution system.

Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Open access for a period exceeding 12 years but not more than 25 years.
  • The nodal agency shall have due regard to the augmentation of intra-state transmission/distribution systems in accordance with the prospective transmission/distribution plans developed by the State Transmission Utility/licensee.
  • Exact source of supply or destination of off-take, as the case may be, shall have to be firmed up and accordingly notified to the nodal agency at least 2 years prior to the intended date of availing long-term access.
  • Application to be done to nodal agency with application fee as below :


Application Fee:

Quantum of Power to be Transacted

Application fee (Rs./Lakhs)

Upto 5 MW


More than 5 MW and Upto 10 MW


More than 10MW



·         Time Frame: 120 days where augmentation of the transmission/ distribution system is not required. 180 days where augmentation of the transmission/distribution system is required.


Relinquishment of Access Rights: There is no charge for a one year notice period. If notice period is less than one year, a charge shall be levied of66% of the estimated transmission/wheeling charges (net present value) for the stranded transmission/distribution capacity for the period falling short.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period exceeding 3 months but not more than 3 years.
  • MTOA shall be granted if the resultant power flow can be accommodated in the existing system or the system under execution. No augmentation shall be carried out for the purpose of MTOA.
  • The start date of the MTOA shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.
  • Application to be done to nodal agency with application fee as below :

Application Fee:

Quantum of Power To be Transacted

Application fee (Rs.Lakhs)

Upto 5 MW


More than 5 MW and upto 10 MW


More than 10MW


  •  Time Frame: 40 days.
  • · Relinquishment of Access Rights: An MTOA customer may relinquish its rights, fully or partly, by giving at least 30 days prior notice to the nodal agency.Customer shall pay applicable transmission/wheeling charges for the period of relinquishment or 30 days whichever is less.

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • Open access for a period up to one  month at one time.
  • Non-refundable application fee of Rs.5000.
  • If grant of open access to all applicants at a particular stage of advance scheduling is likely to cause congestion in one or more of the transmission corridors to be used,  electronic bidding shall be conducted for the available surplus transmission capacity among the applicants at that stage.




Allotment Priority

The intra-state OA shall have the priority over the inter-state OA and the order of priority shall be :


(a) LTOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from renewable sources and co-generation.

(b) LTOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from sources other than above.

(c) MTOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from renewable sources and co-generation

(d) MTOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from sources other than above.

(e) STOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from renewable sources and co-generation.

(f) STOA for distribution licensees for electricity generated from sources other than above.

(g) Captive generation plant.

(h) Open access to any other customer.

Open Access Charges

Transmission Charges:

No upfront fee or charges shall be levied by the utility on open access customers and all costs in relation to the transmission shall be subsumed in the transmission charges.

Transmission Charges

FY 16

FY 17

FY 18

FY 19

LTOA and MTOA (Rs./MW/Month)





STOA (Paisa/Unit)






Cross Subsidy Surcharge FY 18


LTOA/MTOA (Rs./Unit)

STOA (Rs./Unit)

Large Industrial (EHT)



Large Industrial ( HT 2 )



Bulk Supply (EHT)



Bulk Supply (HT)




Wheeling Charges FY 18

Wheeling charges


EHT (>=66kV)


HT (33kV)


HT ( 11 to 33 kV)


LT (< 11kV)


Small hydro plants (Renewable)



Additional Surcharge (17-18) : 49 Paisa/Unit


Scheduling and Metering


All transactions pursuant to grant of long-term open access and medium-term open access shall be carried out on day-ahead basis in accordance with the grid code by SLDC.



Interface energy meters shall be installed and maintained by the STU for open access in transmission by the distribution licensee  and for open access in distribution at the cost of the open access customers

Energy losses

The buyers and sellers of electricity shall absorb apportioned energy losses in the transmission and/or distribution system as estimated by the State Load Dispatch Centre. The energy losses shall be accounted for by providing a differential between schedules at the points of supply and drawal of electricity.


Transmission Losses

Transmission losses for HPPTCL system for FY 2015 -19 – 0.75%


Distribution Losses FY 18:

Voltage Level

220kV/132 kV



22kV/ 11kV


Distribution loss level (in % of energy)






Imbalance and Reactive energy charges

Imbalance Energy Charges

  • For STOA: The UI rate for intra-state entity shall be 105% (for over-drawals or under-generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over-generation) of inter-state UI rate.
  • For LTOA and MTOA: Based on net metering on the periphery of each intra-state entity, composite accounts for Unscheduled Interchanges shall be issued for each intra-state entity on a weekly cycle.
  • Any mismatch between the scheduled and the actual drawal at drawalpoints, and scheduled and the actual injection at injection points for the intra-state entities shall be determined by the State Load Despatch Centre and covered in the intra-state Unscheduled Interchanges accounting scheme.
  • The Unscheduled Interchanges rates for intra-state entity shall be 105% (for over-drawals or under-generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over-generation) of the inter-state Unscheduled Interchanges rates.

Reactive Energy Charges

The reactive energy drawals, injections and payment, receipt of the reactive energy charges by the open access customers, shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Grid Code.



HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long-Term and Medium-Term Intra-State Open Access and Related Matters), Regulations, 2010.

HPERC (Short- Term Open Access), Regulations, 2010.

HPERC (Grant of Connectivity, Long - term and Medium - term intra-State Open Access and Related Matters) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2012.

Distribution Tariff Order FY 17

Transmission Tariff Order for FY14-15 to FY18-19

SLDC For period FY 15 to FY 19




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