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Haryana State Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive Systems Based on Net Metering Regulations 2019

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Control Period

FY 2020-21


  • Eligible consumers of distribution licensees.
  • Capacity of solar plant should not exceed contract demand, with capacity of solar plant being minimum 1 kW to maximum of 2 MW.
  • Project with capacity above 1 MW must install battery storage ( 25% of incremental plant capacity over 1 MW).

Renewable Purchase Obligation

  • Quantum of electricity generated by non-obligated consumer will account towards licensee RPO target.
  • Total electricity generated by agriculture pump will account for licensee RPO target.

Metering Arrangement

  • Net meter and Check meter will be purchased by consumer.
  • Mandatory AMR meter for solar plant system having capacity above 20 kW.

Timeline for Rooftop project

After submission of rooftop solar installation application

  • Technical feasibility by licensee within 15 days from Date of Acknowledgment (DoA) of application.
  • Letter of approval (LOA)/ Cancellation of application within 22 days from DoA.
  • Installation of solar plant within 180 days from LOA.
  • Net meter procument within 30 days from LOA.
  • Site inspection and grid synchronization by authority within 7 days from submission of work completion report.




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Cumulative energy generation cannot be more than 90% of total energy consumption in a financial year. Excess energy generation will not be compensated or carried forwarded to next financial year.
  • Net export of energy by consumer shall be treated as electricity credit and carried forward to the next billing period.
  • In case of net import of energy, distribution licensee shall recover energy charges for such power imported after adjusting for electricity credits from the preceding billing period.
  • No carry forward of electricity credit shall be allowed beyond the settlement period.
  • In case of time of day tariff, net flows during any time block shall not be adjusted against any other time block of the day.
  • Net export of energy by agriculture pump sets under net metering will be paid at Re 1/unit.

Other Charges

Exempted from wheeling, banking, T&D  and cross subsidy surcharge

Subsidy distribution agency

HAREDA or Distribution licensee

Old connection

Consumer under Net metering regulation2014 will not be affected.




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Plot No.44, Hindustan Estates,
Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832