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Haryana Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) - 2012

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Any consumer of the distribution licensee having a contracted demand of 0.5 MVA or above and connected to the distribution system of the licensee at 11 kV or above through an independent feeder emanating from a grid sub-station.
  • A group of two or more consumers of the distribution licensee having a combined contracted demand of 0.5 MVA or above and connected to the distribution system of licensee at 11 kV or above.
  • In case of generating plants based on non-conventional/renewable energy sources there will be no capacity restriction for availing of open access for wheeling of power.
  • If power is scheduled to be sold/procured through open access in any time slot of the day, it shall not be less than 250 kW in case of capacity/maximum demand upto 1.5 MW; shall not be less than 500 kW in case of capacity/maximum demand above 1.5 MW but upto 5 MW; and shall not be less than 1 MW in case of capacity/maximum demand of 5 MW and above.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2016-17


HT Industry

For (Rs./kVAh)

Supply at 11kV


Supply at 33 kV


Supply at 66/132kV


Supply at 220 kV


Supply at 440kV


Arc furnace and steel rolling plants (@11kV)


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

  • Connectivity at 33 kV and above: A load of 10 MW and above or a generating station or a captive generating plant having installed capacity of 10 MW and above.
  • Connectivity at 33 kV and below : A load of less than 10 MW or a generating station or a captive generating plant having installed capacity of less than 10 MW.
  • Nodal agency for grant of connectivity: State Transmission Utility (STU).
  • Application fee: Rs.2,00,000 for connectivity to intra-state transmission system; Rs.1,00,000 for connectivity with distribution system.
  • Time frame for processing application: 45 days (30 days to intimate applicant about need for augmentation or dedicated line, cost estimate, broad design and schedule).
  • Cost of augmentation or dedicated line to be borne by applicant.
Nodal Agency for Open access
  • Intra-state: In case injection and drawal points are within the state whether on transmission system or on distribution system or on systems of different distribution licensees or different transmission licensees: STU.
  • Inter-state: RLDC – For STOA; CTU for MTOA and LTOA.
Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)
  • Open Access for a period exceeding 12 years but not more than 25 years.
  • Application Fee: Rs.2,00,000 (For intra-state Open Access).
  • Time frame: (a) 40 days if the OA is required within the system of same distribution licensee and no augmentation work is involved.

(b) In all other cases, 120 days if no augmentation work is involved and 180 days or actual number of days as may be requiredin case augmentation work isinvolved.

  • Bank guarantee: Rs.2,00,000(besides the specified application fee).
  • Relinquishment of rights: By making payment of compensation.
Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)
  • Open Access for a period exceeding 3 months but not more than 3 years.
  • MTOA shall be granted if the resultant increase in power flow can be accommodated in the existing system or system under execution. No augmentation shall be carried out to the transmission or distribution system for the sole purpose of granting medium-term Open Access.
  • The start date of the MTOA shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.
  • Application Fee: Rs.1,00,000 (For intra-state Open Access).
  • Time Frame: 40 days.
  • Relinquishments of rights: By giving at least 30 days prior notice to the nodal agency and by making payment of compensation.
Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Open Access for a period up to one  month at a time.
  • STOA shall be granted for the surplus capacity available on intra-state transmission/distribution system after use by long term and medium term open access consumers.
  • Open Access In Advance Application: Application to OA in Advance can be made maximum 3 months prior to the commencement of OA.
  • Application Fee: Rs.5,000 (For intra-state Open Access).
  • Time frame:(i) 7 working days if applying for the first time, and 3 working days for subsequent applications, if connection being sought is on system of intra-state transmission licensee.

(ii) 10 working days if applying for the first time, and 5 working days for subsequent applications, if connection being sought is on system of distribution licensee.




Allotment Priority (1) A distribution licensee shall have top priority in allotment of open access capacity irrespective of term of OA.

(2) Applicant for long-term open access other than distribution licensee.

(3) The applicant for medium-term open access.

(4) The applicant for short-term open access subject to capacity availability.

(5) An existing open access consumer shall have higher priority than new open access applicants under the same category.

In same category, applications shall be processed on ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.

Applications received during a month shall be construed to have arrived concurrently.

Open Access Charges

Transmission Charges

  • For inter-state: Charges according to CERC determined from time to time.
  • For intra-state: Charges to be paid to STU or transmission licensee as determined by the Commission.
  • Payable on the basis of transmission contracted capacity in case of LTOA and MTOA and on the basis of scheduled load in case of STOA consumers.
  • For STOA (17-18) : Rs.0.36/kWh

Cross Subsidy Surcharge (FY 2017-18)

  • Payable on basis of actual energy drawn.

CSS (Rs./kWh)

HT Industry


Bulk Supply (other than domestic)




Non – Domestic Supply (HT)



Wheeling Charges

  • To be paid to distribution licensee as determined by Commission (consumer using distribution network).
  • For OA consumer (all types): Rs. 0.84 /unit (FY 2017-18)

Additional Surcharge

  • Determined on per unit basis, shall be payable monthly on the actual energy drawn during the month through open access.
  • Rs.0.99 per kWh (Tariff Order 2017-18).
Scheduling and Metering


  • RLDC and SLDC fees to be paid for inter-state OA.
  • For intra-state STOA: SLDC composite operational charge at Rs.2,000 per day.
  • For inter-state: according to CERC.
  • For intra-state: By SLDC in accordance with State Grid Code. (Scheduling to be done in 15-minuteblockbasis).


  • Special Energy Meters (SEM) shall be installed by the State Transmission Utility or the distribution licensee, as the case may be, at the cost of the open access consumer.
Energy Losses

FY 2016-17

  • Inter-state transmission- LTOA and MTOA buyers shall bear the losses.For STOA, both buyers and sellers shall bear the apportioned energy losses in accordance with the regulations specified by the CERC.

Transmission Losses

  • Intra-state Transmission system – Losses shall be apportioned in proportion to the actual energy drawal and payable in kind.
  • Intra-state Transmission losses (16-17): 2.46%

Distribution Losses

  • Payable in kind, as determined by the Commission, by all open access consumers and captive generating plants carrying electricity within the state for their own use.
  • For 17-18 : HT (11kV and above) losses for UHBVNL and DHBVNL: 8.40%
Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

Imbalance Energy Charges

  • Load of less than 10 MW: The difference between the scheduled open access load and the actual drawal shall be accounted through the special energy meters (SEM) on monthly basis and settled at the rate of the imbalance charge.
  • Above 10 MW shall be settled based on the composite accounts for imbalance transactions issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle based on net metering.

Reactive Energy Charges

  • Consumer shall pay for the reactive energy in accordance with provisions of the intra-state ABT Regulations and Haryana Grid Code notified by the Commission. In the absence of the aforesaid regulation or rates to be specified by the Commission, the rates specified in the Indian Electricity Grid Code or specified by CERC shall be applicable.

HERC (Terms and conditions for grant of connectivity and open access for intra-state transmission and distribution system) Regulations,2012 and amendments :

 Distribution and Retail Supply Tariff 2017-18

Transmission Tariff Order 2017-18

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