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Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) - 2011

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Eligibility to seek Open Access

  • Consumers seeking open access for a capacity of 1 MW and above.
  • For whoeverhas established a captive generating plant and opts for open access for carrying electricity to the destination of his use, the limitation of 1 MW shall not be applicable.

Electricity Tariff (2017-18)




HTP1 upto 500kVA


HTP1 500-2500kVA


HTP1 2500+ kVA


Connectivity charges and procedure

Intra-state transmission system

  • A consumer having load of 4 MW and above or a generating station having capacity of 4 MW and above.
  • An applicant shall apply to the STU with non-refundable fee drawn in favour of State Transmission Utility (GETCO).
  • An application for connectivity shall be made to the STU and decision delivered in 30 days.
  • A non-refundable fee as per below table.

Quantum of power to be injected/off take into/from Intra-State Transmission and/or Distribution System

Application fee for renewable sources connectivity (Rs.  lakhs)

Up to 100 MW


100 – 500MW


500 – 100 MW


More than 1000 MW



Distribution System

  • A generating station having installed capacity less than 4 MW.
  • Application to the distribution licensee for connectivity with non- refundable fee of Rs.1 lakh in favour of distribution licensee.
    • The cost of creation of these facilities shall be borne by the generating company.

Nodal Agency

-          As per the table below-

Procedure and Charges for Long-Term Open Access

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period exceeding 12 years but not more than 25 years.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of the injection and drawal point as shown in table below

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distribution licensee area



30 days

Both within the state but with different licensees.Injection at intrastate transmission system.



120 days where systemaugmentation is not required.

150 days where required.

Consumer Connected to Transmission System

Both within the intra-state transmission system.Injection point in distribution system within the state.



(upto 100MW)

Rs.1,00,000 above 100 MW

120 days where systemaugmentation is not required.

150 days where required.

Bank guarantee at the rate of Rs.10,000 (Rupees Ten thousand only) per MW in favour of nodal agency.

Procedure and Charges for Medium-Term Open Access

  • Applicability: Open Access for a period exceeding three months but not more than three years.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of the injection and drawal point as shown in table below

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application Fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distribution licensee area



30 days

Both within the state but with different licensees. Injection at intra-state transmission system within the state.



40 days

Consumer Connected to Transmission System

Both within intra-state transmission system (Gujarat). Injection point within distribution system within Gujarat.


Rs.25,000 (capacity upto 100 MW)

 Rs.50,000 (for more)

30 days

Procedure and Charges for Short-Term Open Access

  • Applicability:Open Access for a period of one month at a time.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of the injection and drawal point as shown in table below

Location of Injection and Drawal Point

Nodal Agency

Application fee

Time Frame for Processing the Application

Consumer Connected to Distribution System

Both within the same distribution licensee area




For OA in Advance:

As latest by 21st day of such preceding month , while application is upto 15th day of preceding month.

For Day ahead open access:

Application to be submitted upto 1300 of the preceding day. Nodal agency shall convey acceptance or rejection accordingly.

Both within Gujarat but having different distribution licenseesareas.  Injection point in intra-state transmission system.



Consumer Connected to Transmission System

Both connected to intra-state transmission system. Injection point within distribution network in the state



For OA in Advance:

As latest by 21st day of such preceding month , while application is upto 15th day of preceding month.


For Day ahead open access:

Application to be submitted upto 1300 of the preceding day. Nodal agency shall convey acceptance or rejection accordingly.




Allotment priority

  • Priority 1 (Highest Priority): Distribution licensee (irrespective whether Open Access sought is for long-term, medium-term or short-term).
  • Priority 2: Other long-term open access applicants.
  • Priority 3:Other medium-term open access applicants.
  • Priority 4:Other short-term open access applicants subject to capacity availability. Allocation by bidding in case of congestion.
  • Existing open access customers shall have priority over new open access applicants under respective categories.

Open access charges

(FY 2017-18)

  • For use of inter-state transmission system: As specified by the Central Commission from time to time.
  • For Solar (REC), waste to energy: Charges applicable as open access consumers.

Transmission Charges:

  • For LTOA and MTOA: The Total Transmission Cost (TTC) as determined by the Commission in the Annual Transmission Tariff Order of the STU shall be shared.
  • For STOA: Transmission charges payable on the basis of energy actually scheduled.
  • Transmission Tariff : Rs.3821.98/MW/day ( GETCO Tariff Order 2017-18)
  • For STOA: 33.25 Paise / kWh  

Cross Subsidy Surcharge and Additional Surcharge:

  • No CSS for captive generation plant and MSW to energy plant.
  • For wind, micro hydro, solar (non REC) :Concession of 50% cross subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge.
  • Additional surcharge determined on ‘per unit’ basis shall be payable on monthly basis by the open access customer based on the actual energy drawn during the month through open access.Captive plants are exempted.
  • CSS for HT category = Rs.1.44 /kWh for FY 2017-18

Wheeling charges

  • As per the tariff order,announced from time to time.
  • Small hydro: Generator who desires to wheel electricity for third party sale to more than one location shall pay 5 paisa per unit on energy fed into the grid to the distribution company in whose area power is consumed.
  • Wheeling charge at 11kV : 14 Paisa/Unit and 54 Paisa/Unit for 400V (LT) for FY 2017-18

Scheduling, Metering


  • Scheduling of inter-state open access transactions shall be as specified by the Central Commission.
  • Intra-state open access transactions in respect of consumers of load 4 MW and above, and all generating stations irrespective of the capacity, shall be scheduled by SLDC in accordance with the orders of the Commission in this regard.No scheduling required in respect of open access customer having load of less than 4 MW.
  • LTOA and MTOA customers shall be liable to pay SLDC fees and charges.
  • STOA : A composite operating charge @ Rs.2,000 per day, or part of the day, for each transaction to the SLDC, or as determined by the Commission from time to time


  • For customershaving load of 4 MW and above and all generating stations irrespective of capacity, ABT compliant Special Energy Meters shall be installed by the State Transmission Utility or the distribution licensee, as the case may be, for and at the cost of the customer.

Energy losses

Transmission Losses (17-18)

  • Inter-state: LTOA and MTOA - Buyer shall bear the loss, as specified by Central Commission. STOA – Buyer and seller shall absorb the loss as per Central Commission.
  • Intra-state: The energy losses in the transmission system of the transmission licensee, as determined by the State Load Despatch Centre, shall be borne by the transmission system users in proportion to their scheduled usage of the intra-state transmission system.
  • Transmission Losses: 4%.

Distribution Loss (17-18) :

  • Determined by the Commission for various voltage levels in their tariff orders for the applicable year and shall be apportioned in proportion to the scheduled energy by the open access customers and shall be payable in kind at relevant voltage level.
  • Mini and Micro Hydro: (Below 66kV feed) 50% of wheeling loss of energy to be supplied, than conventional OA consumer.

Point of Energy Delivered

 Point of Injection



11kV, 22kV, 33kV






Imbalance and Reactive energy charges

Imbalance Energy

  • Mini and micro hydro, wind, MSW to energy: Set off of wheeled energy at recipient unit shall be carried out in the same 15 minute time block.Surplus to be purchased by DISCOM at APPC.

Reactive energy charges:

  • Load more than 4 MW:Charges in accordance with provisions stipulated in the intra-state ABT order.
  • Load less than 4 MW: Charges on power factor basis.
  • 10 paise/kVArh: For the drawal of reactive energy at 10% or less of the net energy exported.
  • 50 paise/kVArh: For the drawal of reactive energy at more than 10% of the net energy exported.



GERC Intra State Open Access Regulations 2011:

GERC Multi Year Tariff regulations 2016:

Amendment 2_GERC OA_2014:

SLDC Tariff Order (17-18) :

UGVCL (Tariff Order 17-18) :

GETCO (Tariff Order 17-18) :

GSECL (Tariff Order 17-18) :

DGVCL (Distribution Tariff Order 17-18) :

MGVCL (Distribution Tariff Order  17-18) :

PGVCL (Distribution Tariff Order  17-18) :


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