Renewable Energy
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Control Period | From 7th July, 2015. |
Eligibility Condition |
Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee |
Metering Arrangement | Check meters shall be installed for solar energy system having capacity over 20kWp.It will be optional for systems having capacity less than or equal to 20kWp. |
Energy accounting and settlement |
Other charges | Exempted from banking, wheeling charges and cross subsidy surcharge. |
Penalty | As per provisions of standard of performance regulations for distribution licensees. |
Link | |
Reference | |
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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More
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Plot No.44, Hindustan Estates,
Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India
+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832