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Grid Interactive Solar PV Systems Regulations, Bihar - 2015

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Control Period From 7th July, 2015.
Eligibility Condition
  • Should be a consumer in the distribution licensee’sarea of supply .
  • Maximum capacity will be equal to the sanctioned load subject to a maximum capacity of 1 MW.
Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee
  • Maximum cumulative capacity of 10 MW shall be allowed on yearly basis to eligible consumers.
  • Cumulative capacity at a distribution transformer shall not exceed 15% of its  capacity.
Metering Arrangement

Check meters shall be installed for solar energy system having capacity over 20kWp.It will be optional for systems having capacity less than or equal to 20kWp.



Energy accounting and settlement
  • Electricity injected less electricity consumed in the billing period shall be carried forward to the next billing period.
  • Electricity supplied by the licensee less electricity injected into the grid shall be treated as net electricity consumption and shall be billed after taking into account any electricity credit balance from previous billing period.
  • In case of ToDtariff, consumption in any time block shall be compensated with generation in the same time block and any cumulated excess generation shall be treated as excess generation during off-peak time block.
  • Electricity generated over 90% of the electricity consumed in a settlement period, shall neither be paid by the licensee nor be carried over to the next settlement period.
Other charges

Exempted from banking, wheeling charges and cross subsidy surcharge.


As per provisions of standard of performance regulations for distribution licensees.




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