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Draft Sikkim Grid-Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems Regulations 2020

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Connection Agreement

Between DISCOM and consumer for 20 years for net metering and net billing.

Grid-Interactive Provisions

  • Net Metering
  • Net Billing
  • System to be connected behind the consumer’s meter.

Installation Capacity

  • Total capacity of solar energy plant must not exceed 80% of connected/contract demand. 
  • Distribution licensee should ensure that the total installed solar capacity does not exceed 50% capacity of distribution transformer.
  • No cap on plant capacity for GENCO and state distribution licensee.

Conditions for Application

  • Capacity to be installed must be ≥ 1 kW and should not exceed 1MWp.
  • Provision for metering only available to LT and HT (11kV) consumers.
  • Metering for solar plants in different locations allowed provided the consumer is the owner of the premises.


From banking charges and cross subsidy charges.

Renewable Purchase Obligation

  • Electricity generated by obligated entity will be considered for own RPO target. Distribution licensee can claim non-obligated entity electricity for RPO.
  • REC issuance will be in accordance to CERC regulations.

Electricity Banking Facility

  • Solar energy generated in excess of monthly consumption can be banked.
  • Banked electricity compensation depends on the billing system of the consumer.
  • Distribution licensee will pay consumer for unused banked energy at the end of the settlement period.




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Non-TOD billing system: Electricity generated will be compared with consumption and if over excess electricity to the next month or use it at other premises.
  • TOD billing system: Electricity drawn and injected in a period, will be billed or compensated in the same billing period. consumption is more, a bill will be generated. The consumer can roll over to next month or useit for other premises.

Open Access

Consumer has the right to use the excess electricity generated at other premises owned by him.

Conditions for using wheeling service:

  • Any category consumer.
  • After fulfilling the solar demand at the first site, the excess energy can be used at a second site and should that energy demand too be fulfilled , then this energy can be wheeled to a third site.
  • Other sites must have a minimum consumption of 500 units of electricity per month.
  • Consumer can only avail 95% of energy wheeled.


  • Solar energy meter (Check meter) and Net meter/bi-directional meter can be installed by distribution licensee or consumer.
  • Charges for installation and checking net meter will be borne by the distribution licensee.



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