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Draft JERC Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering Regulations, 2019

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Control Period

From the date of notification in the official gazette.


  • Grid-connected rooftop, ground-mounted and floating solar projects.
  • Eligible consumers of distribution licensees.
  • Consumers generating power for self-consumption.
  • Project capacity up to 500 kWp; higher capacity projects require the permission of distribution licensee.
  • Capacity installation should not exceed contract demand or sanctioned load.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

75% of distribution transformer capacity.

Metering Arrangement

  • The solar meter of 0.2s class accuracy using meter reading instrument or wireless equipment.
  • Mandatory check meter for a system having a capacity above 20 kW.




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Net export of energy by the consumer shall be treated as electricity credit and carried forward to the next billing period.
  • In case of net import of energy, distribution licensee shall recover energy charges for such power imported after adjusting for electricity credits from the preceding billing period.
  • Carry forward of electricity credit shall not be allowed beyond the settlement period.
  • In case of Time of Day tariff, net flows during a time block shall not be adjusted against any other time block of the day.

Other Charges

Exemption from banking charges.

RPO  &  REC Mechanism

  • Obligated consumer under Net metering arrangement shall qualify for RPO.
  • Non-obligated consumer electricity consumption from solar rooftop shall qualify for Distribution licensee’s RPO.
  • Non-obligated consumer are  not eligible for REC certificate

Penalty or Compensation

Penalty or compensation for distribution licensees shall be as per the provisions of the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State of Goa and UT’s (Standards of Performance for Distribution Licensees) Regulations, 2015.



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