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Draft Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2018

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Eligibility to Seek Open Access

  • Following entities shall be eligible for open access to the intra-state transmission system and/or distribution system:
    • Licensees
    • Generating companies

    • Captive generating plants

    • Consumers

  • Consumer’s contract demand should be 1 MW and above.
  • Those connected by dedicated feeders shall be allowed open access irrespective of their voltage level provided there is no operational constraint.

  • A person declared insolvent or bankrupt or having outstanding dues for more than two months against the billing of transmission/distribution licensee at the time of application will not be eligible for open access.

  • Open access customers will have to install a special energy meter (SEM) at their location and also a remote terminal unit, both duly certified by the licensee concerned.

  • Distribution licensees and generators availing open access on the enforcement date of these regulations shall continue to avail open access on existing terms and conditions.    

Electricity Tariff
FY 2018-19



Fixed Charge (Rs./kW/month or Rs./kVA/month)

Energy Charge (Rs./kWh)

HT commercial above 25 kW (30 kVA)



HT industries – II  above 150 kVA

With time of day tariff*



With time of day tariff



* Time of day tariff will be applied in addition to fixed charge and energy charge. 

Connectivity Charges and Procedure

- Information not available-

Nodal Agency














Procedure and Charges for Long Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • As per the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and Medium Term Open Access in Inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009 or its statutory re-enactments as amended from time to time for inter-state transmission systems.
  • Application needs to be submitted to the nodal agency with application fees of Rs.1,00,000 for intra-state transmission systems.
  • The application shall be accompanied by a bank guarantee corresponding to Rs.5,000/MW of the total power to be transmitted for intra-state transmission systems.

  • Incase system strengthening is found to be necessary, the applicant shall deposit the estimated amount for works to the STU and the concerned distribution licensee, as the case may be, after intimation.

  • Time frame for disposal of application for intra-state transmission system:
    • 40 days when OA is required within the same system and no augmentation is needed.
    • 120 days in all other cases with no requirement of augmentation.

    • 180 days or actual number of days, whichever is earlier, when system augmentation is required.

Procedure and Charges for Medium Term Open Access (MTOA)

  • As per the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and Medium Term Open Access in Inter-State Transmission and related matters) Regulations, 2009 or its statutory re-enactments as amended from time to time for inter-state transmission systems.
  • Application needs to be submitted to the nodal agency with application fees of Rs.50,000 for inter-state transmission systems.
  • Time frame for disposal of application for inter-state transmission system will be 40 days. 

Procedure and Charges for Short Term Open Access (STOA)

  • As per the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in Inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008, or its statutory re-enactments, as amended from time to time for inter -state transmission systems.
  • Application needs to be submitted to the nodal agency with application fees of Rs.5,000 for intra -state transmission systems.
  • No system augmentation shall be done for STOA to a consumer.

  • The customer may, at his own cost, augment the distribution/transmission system in order to avail open access.

  • Time frame for disposal of application for intra-state transmission system: 

    • 7 working days for first application and 5 working days for subsequent applications in case of state transmission utility system.
    • 10 working days for first application and 5 working days for subsequent applications in case of distribution licensee system. 




Allotment Priority

  • Priority 1: Distribution licensee, irrespective of term of open access.
  • Priority 2: LTOA applicants.
  • Priority 3: MTOA applicants.

  • Priority 4: STOA applicants.

  • Applications shall be processed on a first come, first served basis for applications received within the same month, or up to the date specified under these regulations, shall be construed to have arrived concurrently. 

Open Access Charges

  • Transmission Charges – Rs.0.65/kWh for STOA consumers.
  • Cross Subsidy Surcharge – Rs.1.37/kWh for HT II industry above 150 kW category.
  • Wheeling Charges – Rs.0.27/kWh at 33 kV voltage level.
  • Additional Charges – Payable by an open access consumer receiving electricity from a person other than the distribution licensee.


Scheduling and Metering

  • Intra-state Open Access transactions shall be scheduled by SLDC in accordance with the provisions of the State Grid Code and these Regulations.
  • The embedded consumer shall have to declare their schedule two days ahead to the SLDC and DISCOM.

  • SLDC charges payable by STOA: From tariff order of 2018-19.


  • As per metering standards notified by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) vide its notification dated 17 March, 2006, as amended from time to time.
  • ABT compatible Special Energy Meters along with the associated communication system shall be installed at the cost of the customer.

Energy Losses

  • Intra-state transmission losses (AEGCL) – 3.44% 
  • Wheeling losses – 5% at 33 kV level and 11% at 11 kV level
  • Distribution losses – 16.85%  

Reactive Energy Charges

As per the charges approved by the Commission in its relevant Tariff Orders.  




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