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Delhi Open Access Regulations (Consolidated) - 2005

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA)

  • Consumer with connected load of 1MW and above.
  • Commission may allow open access to consumer with load less than 1 MW subject to review of operational constraints and other factors.

Electricity Charges

FY 2015-16


Energy Charge FY 15-16


Industrial 11 kV


Large Industrial Power (11kV +)


Connectivity Charges and Procedure

-Not Available -

Nodal Agency

  • State Transmission Utility (STU) – for Long-Term Open Access.
  • State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) – For Short-Term Open Access.

Procedure and Charges for Long-Term Open Access (LTOA)

  • Applicability: Person availing, or intending to avail, the open access for a period of five years or more.
  • Application to nodal agency with Application Fee of Rs.1 lakh for transmission open access and Rs.5000 for distribution open access.
  • Time Frame :

Type of Service

Maximum Processing Time

Intimation regarding feasibility of access without system strengthening.

30 days from receipt of application.

Intimation of the result of studies for system strengthening with cost estimates and complete schedule.

60 days from receipt of application.


  • Can only relinquish the capacity by prior approval of nodal agency and subject to payment of compensation by consumer as per the OA agreement.

Procedure and Charges for Medium-Term Open Access (MTOA)


Procedure and Charges for Short-Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Applicability: Person availing, or intending to avail, the open access for a period of one year or less.
  • Application to nodal agency with Application Fee of Rs.10,000for transmission open access and Rs.2500 for distribution open access.
  • Time Frame :

Type of Service (Duration of OA)

Maximum Processing Time

For same day (emergency)

4 hours from the receipt of application.

Up to one day (request received at least one day in advance)

8 hours from the receipt of application.

Up to one week

2 days.

More than a week

3 days from the receipt of application.


  • Can surrender capacity by paying transmission and/or wheeling charges based on the original capacity till the time such capacity is allotted to some other customer.





 Allotment priority
  • Long-term open access customers over short-term open access customers.
  • In same category, allotment would be on ‘first come first served’ basis.


Open access charges
  • Exemption on wheeling, banking and transmission charges (Delhi Solar Policy 2015).
  • Exemption on open access charges – The state government in consultation with DERC shall prepare a framework for open access for solar energy generated or consumed within the state (Delhi Solar Policy).
  • Transmission charges, wheeling charges, additional surcharge and cross subsidy surcharge shall not be levied in case distribution access is provided to a person who has established a renewable captive generating plant for carrying electricity for its own use.


Transmission charges

  • Exempted from transmission charges (Delhi Solar Policy 2015).
Scheduling and Metering


  • The open access customer shall abide by the state grid code and instructions given by State Transmission Utility, State Load Dispatch Centrefor scheduling and operations.
  • Scheduling and system operating charges to SLDC at the rate Rs. 1000 per day/part of the day, or the rate fixed by the Commission, from time-to-time.


  • Meters shall always be maintained in good condition and open for inspection by any other person by concerned licensee.
Energy losses

Transmission Losses

  • Inter-state transmission losses: 3.14%
  • Intra-state transmission losses : 0.70% (DTL)


Distribution Losses

  • Tata Power Distribution Delhi Ltd: 10.56%.
  • BRPL approved distribution loss (15-16) – 11.23%.
  • BYPL distribution loss (15-16) – 12.90%.
Imbalance and Reactive energy charges

Imbalance energy charges

  • The quantum of drawal of electricity by an open access consumer from the distribution licensee, during any time block of a day, shall not exceed the admissible drawal of electricity by open access consumer which is the difference of contract demand and maximum quantum of open access for which approval has been granted by nodal agency; fixed charges on admissible drawal of electricity by open access consumer from the distribution licensee.
  • Temporary charges on any drawal above the sum total of “scheduled open access quantum” and “admissible drawal of electricity by open access consumer” (In case temporary tariff is more than 125 percent of energy charge of that category, the temporary tariff shall be restricted to 125 percent of energy charge for that category).
  • Deviation between the schedule and the actual injection in respect of open access taken by a generating company/seller shall be settled as per the applicable Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2014, as amended from time to time.


Reactive Energy Charges

  • Payable on actual reactive energy recorded by the meter, to the distribution licensee in whose area the consumer is located,
  • Reactive energy charges: 13Paisa/kVArh.


DERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access ) Regulations, 2005:


Proposal for determination of Open Access Charges and Related Matters:




Clarification on Exemption of Renewable Captive Open Access Charges, 2017




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