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Chhattisgarh Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Sources Regulations 2019

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Eligible Consumers

  • Prosumers.
  • Third party owners.
  • Project on land leased from distribution licensee.
  • Open access consumers.

Installation Capacity

Total capacity of distributed renewable energy sources must not exceed 100% of distribution transformer’ capacity.

Banking of Energy

  • Banking of remaining energy after offsetting consumption from generation is permitted for captive and open access consumers.
  • Banking of units can be availed from 25 June to 25 July, 10 Sept to 10 Oct and 15 March to 15 April, including peak hours from 6 pm to 11 pm for a whole year.
  • Utilized energy will be purchased by the distribution licensee at the end of the financial year. Rates will depend upon the lowest rooftop solar tariff discovered in the previous year.


  • Electricity generated by independent distributed renewable energy systems will be considered for consumer’s RPO while electricity generated under net metering will be accounted for distribution licensee’s RPO.
  • REC issuance will be in accordance to CERC regulations.




Energy Accounting and Settlement

  • Electricity injected less electricity consumed in the billing period shall be carried forward to the next billing period.
  • Electricity supplied by the licensee less electricity injected into the grid shall be treated as net electricity consumption and shall be billed after taking into account any electricity credit balance from the previous billing period.
  • At the end of the settlement period, in case of excess electricity injection by the consumer, the licensee shall pay not pay  the consumer for extra electricity injected in to grid.

DRE Cell

Government body looking after permissions, and promoting, monitoring and providing consumers with knowledge on installation of DRE.


Any delay in work by the licensee will attract a fine of Rs.1000 per day.





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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More


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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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