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BERC (Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive Systems based on Net and Gross Metering) Regulations, 2018

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Control Period

2nd April 2018 onwards

Eligibility Condition
  • All consumers in the supply area of the distribution licensee.
  • Projects with minimum capacity of 1 kWp and maximum capacity of contracted load.

  • Located on the consumer’s premises.

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee
  • As determined by the Commission but not exceeding 100 MW cumulative capacity in a year.
  • Cumulative capacity for a given distribution transformer should be up to 80% of its total capacity.

Metering Arrangement
  • As per the provisions in:
    • CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006.
    • CEA (Measures related to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010.

    • CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generations Resources) Regulations, 2013, as amended from time to time.
  • Check meters shall be mandatory for projects with capacity above 20 kW, but optional otherwise.

  • Check meters shall be tested, installed and sealed by the licensee as per appropriate regulations.




Energy Accounting and Settlement
  • Excess energy export over import shall be carried forward to the next billing period for adjustment against energy consumed in subsequent billing periods within the settlement period.
  • At the end of settlement period, unadjusted net energy credits shall lapse without any carry forward or payments.

  • Excess energy import over export shall be billed by the licensee after taking cognizance of energy credit balance remaining from previous billing periods.

  • For time of day (ToD) tariff, energy consumption in a block shall be compensated with electricity generation in the same time block, and excess generation shall be off-set against off-peak time block.

Interconnection with the Grid
  • Conforming to:

    • CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013.
    • CEA (Measures Related to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.
  • Rooftop grid-connected solar systems with or without battery backup may be installed for captive use. In case of installation with battery backup:

    • The inverter should have separate backup wiring.

    • Manual isolation switch should be present.

Open Access

Non-discriminatory open access for captive use or third party sale. 

Other Charges

Exempted from wheeling, banking and cross subsidy surcharge.


In case of failure of net metering system, penalty shall be as per the provisions of the standard of performance regulations for distribution licensee.




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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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