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BERC (Banking of Power from Fossil Fuel and
Renewable Energy based Captive Generating Plant) Regulations, 2018

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Control Period

3rd April 2018 onwards. 

Eligibility Conditions

  • Fossil fuel and renewable energy based captive power plants supplying power to the grid with intention of drawing power from grid as per requirement.
  • Minimum capacity of captive generating plant should be 1 MW or 1 MWp.  

General Principles

  • Willing and eligible generators shall be allowed to avail the banking facility on non-discriminatory basis.
  • Banking of power up to 100% of surplus energy shall be allowed.
  • Renewable energy based generators shall be exempted from day ahead scheduling.
  • Withdrawal of banked power is allowed only during the year in which the power has been banked.
  • Settlement on month to month basis.
  • Unutilized banked power in a financial year shall be treated as sold to the licensee. 

Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee

Cumulative capacity should not exceed 80% of the rated capacity of the connected transformer. 

Metering Arrangement

  • As per the provisions of CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006.
  • Bi-directional availability based tariff compliant special energy meters (SEM).
  • Mandatory installation of check meters.
  • Meters shall be tested, installed and sealed by the licensee as per appropriate regulations.
  • Cost of testing and installing meters shall be borne by the generator.




Commercial Settlement

  • Excess energy export over import shall be carried forward to the next billing period for adjustment against energy consumed in subsequent billing periods within the settlement period.
  • Excess energy import over export shall be billed by the licensee after taking cognizance of banking charges and energy credit balance remaining from previous billing periods.
  • Net energy withdrawn during the billing period shall be charged at average cost of supply by the licensee.
  • Unutilized banked power in a financial year shall be paid at average power purchase cost.

Interconnection with the Grid

  • Conforming to:

    • CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013, as amended from time to time.

    • CEA (Measures Related to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.

  • Rooftop grid-connected solar systems with or without battery backup may be installed for captive use. In case of installation with battery backup:

    • The inverter should have separate backup wiring.

    • Manual isolation switch should be present.

Open Access

Non-discriminatory open access for withdrawal of banked power in a distant consumption unit. 


  • 2% of banked energy.
  • No charge on unutilized banked power. 


In case of failure to provide non-discriminatory banking of power facility, penalty shall be imposed as per provisions of the Act. 



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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More


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