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Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulations, 2005

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Eligibility to seek Open Access Consumer with connected load of 1 MW and above.

Electricity Tariff



Category Energy charge (Rs./kWh)
HT Commercial 25 kVA and above 8.30
HT Industries II above 150 kVA

6.65 (without TOD)

7.50 (with TOD)

Connectivity charges and procedure

-          Not Available-

Nodal Agency
  • LTOA : State Transmission Utility (STU) –Where the point of drawal or point of injection is located on the intra-state transmission network.
  • Otherwise the distribution licensee of the area where the point of drawal is located.
  • STOA: State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).
Procedure and Charges for Long-Term Open Access (LTOA)
  • Applicability: An open access customer who is availing or wishes to avail open access for a period of five years or more.
  • Application to the nodal agency (STU or distribution licensee), with application fee of Rs. 1,00,000.
  • In case of congestion and need of system strengthening (so that more consumers can avail of OA rather than rationing power), the applicant shall reimburse the actual expenditure incurred by the nodal agency for system strengthening studies, limited to Rs.50,000.
  • Time frame for processing the application- 30 days intimation regarding feasibility of access without system strengthening. 90 days for intimation of results of studies for system strengthening with cost estimate and completion schedule.
  • Exit options - Not without prior approval of the Commission and subject to payment of compensation, as may b determined by the Commission.
Procedure and Charges for Medium-Term Open Access (MTOA)    -NA-
Procedure and Charges for Short-Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Applicability: An open access customer who is availing or wishes to avail open access for a period of less than five years.
  • Nodal Agency - State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).
  • Non-refundable application fee: Rs.5,000.
  • Time Frame to process application :-

Tenure of Contract

Maximum Processing Time (from end of the calendar month of submission)

Up to one day

12 hours

Up to one week

2 days

Up to one month

7 days

Up to one year

30 days

  • Exit and capacity reduction - By surrendering capacity to SLDC and bearing full transmission/distribution charges along with scheduling and other charges for original reserved capacity and period.
  • In the case of a distribution licensee’s distribution system, short-term open access reservations will be automatically granted by the SLDC provided that the capacity sought is less than or equal to the contract demand or maximum sanctioned load of the open access consumer.




Allotment priority
  • Priority 1: Distribution licensee for long-term open access.
  • Priority 2: Other open access customers applying for long-term OA.
  • Priority 3: Distribution licensee for short-term OA.
  • Priority 4: Other open access customers with STOA.
  • Bidding shall be invited for the STOA if capacity sought to be reserved by the customer is more than the available capacity.
Open Access charges Transmission Charges:
  • Transmission charge that is payable by the LTOA and STOA customer for the use of intra-state transmission system or the transmission system of a transmission licensee.
  • For STOA – Rs. 0.72 per kWh ( Tariff order 17-18) 

Cross Subsidy Surcharge:

  • Cross subsidy surcharge that is determined annually and is payable by the open access consumer to meet the current level of cross subsidy..
  • CSS for HT II (Above 150kVA) – Rs. 1.31/ kWh (Tariff Order 2017-18)

Wheeling charges

  • For 33kV voltage level - Rs.0.23 /kWh. (Tariff Oder 2017-18)

Additional Surcharge

  • Additional surcharge that is payable by the open access consumer to meet the fixed cost of such distribution licensee arising out of his obligation to supply.
  • Determined by Commission against detail submission and calculation of stranded assets.
Scheduling and Metering


  • An open access consumer shall be required to submit an ex-ante day ahead drawal schedule to the SLDC in accordance with CERC’s availability based tariff regulations.
  • SLDC Charges payable by STOA: Rs. 39.80 per MW per Day (Tariff order 2017-18)


  • Consumer shall provide main meters, as may be specified by the Commission in metering code for such consumer based on voltage, point and period of supply and tariff category.
Energy losses
  • Consumer shall bear average energy losses in the intra-state transmission system, as estimated by the Regional Load Dispatch Centre and the State Load Dispatch Centre concerned, and the average distribution losses in his area of supply at the injection points.
  • The energy losses in the transmission system shall be compensated by additional injection at the injection point.
  • The energy losses on account of use of the transmission and distribution system shall be adjusted in proportion to the energy drawn by the open access consumer on the basis of actual losses in the system for that category of consumer during the previous year.

Transmission Losses

  • Transmission losses -3.54% for FY 2016-17, 3.49% for FY 2017-18 and 3.44% for FY 2018-19 ( Tariff Order 2017-18)

Wheeling Loss:

  • For 33kV – 5%
  • For 11 kW – 11% (Tariff order 2017-18)
Imbalance and Reactive energy charges


  • Consumer shall receive or pay UI charges as for any difference between scheduled and actual power drawal.
  • SLDC shall be responsible for all unscheduled inter-change energy accounting for long-term and short-term open access customers.

Reactive energy charges:

  • As per tariff order, according to appropriate category.
  • For HT industrial - In case average power factor in a month for a consumer falls below 85%, a penalty @1% for every 1% fall in power factor from 85% to 60%; plus 2% for every 1% fall below 60% to 30% (up to and including 30%), shall be levied on total unit consumption.
  • Power factor rebate- In case average power factor maintained by the consumer is more than 85%, a rebate of 1% on unit consumption shall be applicable, and if above 95% a rebate of 2% on unit consumption shall be applicable. Power factor rebate shall be allowed for those consumers where power factor is recorded electronically.


Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Condition for Open Access), 2005:,

Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd (APDCL) Tariff Order (FY 2017-18): 

Assam Electricity Grid Corporation Ltd. (AEGCL) Tariff Order (FY 2017-18):


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