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Arunachal Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Terms and Conditions of Intra-State Open Access) Regulations

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Eligibility to seek Open Access (OA) All connected licensees, generating stations, captive generating plants and consumers by payment of appropriate charges and under open access regulations.

Electricity Tariff

FY 2016-17


Nominal Voltage

Approved Tariff FY 2016-17


Commercial consumers (non-industrial)-HT, AC 50Hz

11 kV


33 kV


Industrial consumers- HT, AC 50Hz



33 kV


132kV and above


Bulk mixed consumers – HT, AC 50Hz



33 kV


132kV and above


Connectivity Charges and Procedure
  • Intra-state transmission system - Only consumers having load of 5 MW and above, or generating station having capacity 5 MW and above.
  • Application - To STU (State Transmission Utility), non refundable fee of Rs.2 lakhs.
  • The STU shall convey its decision on grant of connectivity or otherwise, within a period of 60 days from the date of receipt of application.
  • Distribution system - Consumer having load of 1 MW to less than 5 MW, or generating station having capacity of 1 MW and above but less than 5 MW.
  • Generating station with capacity less than 1 MW can also apply, subject to regulations.
  • Application - To distribution licensee, non-refundable fee of Rs.2 lakhs.
  • The cost of creation of augmentation facilities shall be borne by the generating company.
Nodal Agency As per table below -
Procedure and Charges for Long-Term Open Access (LTOA)
  • Applicability: OA for more than 12 years but not exceeding 25 years.
  • Bank guaranty of Rs.10,000/MW of power to be transmitted.
  • Underutilization of capacity: OA rights can be relinquished with notice of one year (no charges), and for notice less than one year or OA less than 12 years by paying 66% of the transmission charges for the period falling short of one year.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point.
Category Location of injection and drawal point Nodal agency Application fee Time frame for processing application
Consumer connected to distribution system Both within the same distribution licensee area Distribution licensee Rs.50,000 -5 MW+.

Rs.25,000 - < 5MW

30 days
  Injection at intra-state transmission system STU


Rs.1,00,000 - 5 MW+

Rs.50,000 - < 5MW

120 days where system augmentation is not required.

180 days where system augmentation is required.

Consumer connected to transmission system Both within the same intra-state transmission system. Injection point in distribution system within the state.


STU Rs.2,00,000 for 5 MW+

Rs.1,00,000 - < 5MW

120 days where system augmentation is not required.

180 days where it is required.

Procedure and Charges for Medium-Term Open Access (MTOA)
  • Applicability: OA for period exceeding 3 months but not more than 3 years.
  • The start date of the medium-term open access shall not be earlier than 5 months and not later than 1 year from the last day of the month in which application has been made.
  • Relinquishments of OA rights - Notice period of 30 days and by paying applicable transmission charges for 30 days.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point.
Category Location of injection and drawal point Nodal agency Application fee, Time frame for processing application
Consumer connected to distribution system Both within the same distribution licensee’s area.


Distribution licensee Rs. 50,000 - 5 MW+.

Rs.25,000 for  - < 5MW.

20 days
  Injection at intra-state transmission system within the state. STU Rs.1,00,000 - 5 MW+.

Rs.50,000 - < 5MW.

40 days
Consumer connected to transmission system Both within intra-state transmission system. Injection point within distribution system in the state. STU Rs.10,000 - 5 MW+ capacity.

Rs.5,000  - < 5MW.


30 days
Procedure and Charges for Short-Term Open Access (STOA)
  • Applicability: OA for the period of one month at a time.
  • Application should be made at least 15 days earlier.
  • Applicant shall apply to nodal agency as per the location of injection and drawal point.
Category Location of injection and drawal point Nodal agency Application fee Time frame for processing the application
Consumer connected to distribution system Both within the same distribution licensee Distribution licensee Rs.10,000 - 5 MW+ capacityRs.5,000 - < 5MW. 7 working days if applying for the first time

5 working days otherwise.

  Injection point in intra-state transmission system SLDC   7 working days if applying for the first time; otherwise 3 working days.
Consumer connected to transmission system Both connected to intra-state transmission system , Injection point within distribution system in the state   SLDC Rs.10,000 - 5 MW+.

Rs.5,000 - < 5MW.

7 working days if applying for the first time; otherwise 5 working days.




Allotment Priority
  • Priority 1: (Highest Priority) - Distribution licensee (irrespective of whether open access sought is for long-term, medium-term or short-term).
  • Priority 2: Other long-term open access applicants.
  • Priority 3: Other medium-term open access applicants.
  • Priority 4: Other short-term open access applicants, subject to capacity availability.
  • Existing customer shall have priority over new customers.
Open Access Charges

Transmission Charges

  • Payable on the basis of contracted capacity/scheduled load or actual power flow, whichever is higher.
  • Where a dedicated transmission system used for open access has been constructed for exclusive use of a customer, the transmission charges shall be borne entirely by such customer.
  • Transmission charges = ATC/(PLST X365) (in Rs./MW-day).
    (ATC = Annual Transmission Charges as decided by SERC
    PLST= Peak Load Projected to be served by transmission company).

Cross Subsidy Surcharge

  • Payable on per unit basis for actual energy drawn through open access.

Wheeling Charges

  • Payable on the basis of contracted capacity/scheduled load or actual power flow, whichever is higher.
  • Wheeling charges = (ARR – PPC - TC) /(ALSD X365) (in Rs./MW-Day)

(PPC= Power Purchase Charges, TC= Transmission Charges, ALSD= Total Average Load Projected).

Additional Surcharge

  • Payable on per unit basis. The obligation of the licensee in terms of power purchase commitments has been and continues to be stranded, or there is an unavoidable obligation.
  • Determined by the Commission against detailed calculation statement by distribution licensee.
Scheduling, system operations and metering

Scheduling and System Operation

  • Scheduling on day ahead basis, in accordance with code.
  • Inter-state OA: Scheduling as per Central Commission.
  • Intra-state (5MW+): Scheduling as per State Grid Code.
  • Intra-state (below 5MW): No scheduling, if the generating station is subject to scheduling.
  • Charges for inter-state OA: RLDC and SLDC charges.
  • Charges for intra-state OA:
    • LTOA, MTOA – SLDC charges
    • STOA – Composite charge of Rs.2,000/day, or as determined by the Commission.


  • For 5MW+: Special meters to be installed by STU or distribution licensee.
  • Below 5 MW: Special meters to be installed by the concerned distribution licensee.
Energy Losses

Transmission Losses

  • Inter-state :
    • LTOA, MTOA - Buyer shall bear appropriate energy losses.
    • STOA – Buyer and seller shall absorb losses.
  • Intra-state: Determined by Commission in the tariff order and payable in kind.
  • Transmission Losses for FY 2015-16: 4%

Distribution Losses

  • Determined by the Commission for various voltage levels in their tariff orders and apportioned in proportion to the actual energy drawal by the open access customers and shall be payable in kind.
Imbalance and Reactive Energy Charges

Imbalance Energy Charges

  • Load of less than 5 MW: Difference between the applicable sanctioned open access load and the actual drawal shall be accounted through the Time of Day (TOD) meters, on monthly basis, and settled at the rate of the imbalance charge as determined by the Commission. Where imbalance charge has not been determined by the Commission, UI charges as specified by the Central Commission shall be applicable.
  • Unless specified otherwise by the Commission, UI rate for intra-state entity shall be 105% (for over-drawals or under generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over generation) of UI rate at the periphery of regional entity.
  • In case of under-drawal as a result of non-availability of the distribution system or unscheduled load shedding, the open access consumer shall be compensated by the distribution licensee at the average power purchase cost of the distribution licensee.
  • Load of 5 MW and above ,and the generating stations irrespective of capacity, shall be settled based on the composite accounts for imbalance transactions issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle based on net metering in accordance with the charges specified by the Commission. In case the imbalance charges are not specified by the Commission, the UI charges as specified by the Central Commission shall be applicable.
  • Unless specified otherwise by the Commission, UI rate for intra-state entity shall be 105% (for over-drawals or under generation) and 95% (for under-drawals or over generation) of UI rate at the periphery of regional entity.

Reactive Energy Charges

  • 5 MW or above: The payment in accordance with provisions stipulated in the State Grid Code or IEGC.
  • Less than 5 MW: Charges to be calculated on power factor basis.
References APSERC (Terms and Condition for Intra state OA) regulations 2012:

Final Tariff Order 2016-17:




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