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West Bengal Policy on Cogeneration and Generation of Electricity from
Renewable Sources of Energy - 2012

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Nodal Agency

West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA) 

Applicable Technologies

Solar, wind, biomass, co-generation, small hydro, municipal solid waste, and other RE sources

Policy Period

2012 – Not available 

Targets under Policy

  • 1040 MW by 2017

  •  2706 MW by 2022


Exemption of demand cut up to 50% of installed capacity assigned for captive use subject to regulations of the Commission

Eligibility Conditions

Not available

Tax Exemptions

Not available

Evacuation Arrangement

WBSETCL, distribution licensee and WBSEDCL will jointly create infrastructure




Eligible projects

Grid-connected RE projects, decentralized distributed generation (DDG) projects, including stand-alone systems and decentralized grids, projects set up within the state of West Bengal, which sell their power to the distribution licensee within the state.

Wind farms

Government-owned wasteland in areas having minimum annual mean Wind Power Density (WPD) of 200 Watt/m2 measured at a hub height of 50 meters and using new generation wind turbine generators will be offered for setting upof wind power projects. 

Land for biomass

Barren land, government wasteland and degraded forest lands will be made available for energy plantations for biomass projects and the nodal agency shall identify potential sites for such plantations based on PPP mode.

Building codes

Rooftop PV device installation will be made mandatory for government institutes, buildings used for business and commercial purposes, schools and colleges, hospitals and large housing societies, through building codes. 

Solar roof-top system

  • All existing and upcoming commercial and business establishments having more than 1.5 MW of contract demand will be required to install solar rooftop systems to meet at least 2% of their total electrical load.       
  • All existing and upcoming schools and colleges, hospitals, large housing societies and government establishments having a total contract demand of more than 500 kW will be required to install solar rooftop systems to meet at least 1.5% of their total electrical load. 

Decentralized distributed generation

Conceptualization and implementationof DDG projects in places where grid penetration is technically and commercially not viable shall be guided by the ‘Guidelines for Village Electrification through Decentralized Distributed Generation (DDG) under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana in the XI Plan’ and other related directives issued by the Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India. 

Land for projects

Government-vested lands will be given for 30 years or project life, whichever isless. Developers will have to directly purchase land from landowners. Conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land is not required for RE projects. 

Single window clearance

The nodal agency shall act as the single window for obtaining assistancefrom all line departments. 

Open access

Any person can opt for open access with charges as per the Open Access Regulations, Tariff Regulations, and Co-generation and Renewable Sources Regulations of the Commission. 

Renewable purchase obligation incentives

Utilities may procure power from outside the state at procurement price not greater than the price declared by WBERC.

  • The host and obligated distribution utilities shall provide revolving Letter of Credit from a nationalized bank as payment security mechanism for all RE projects.
  • In case of RE project construction in very remote areas, some infrastructural support including approach roads to the project site may be provided at government cost.



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