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Uttarpradesh Wind Energy Policy - 2015

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Nodal Agency

Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA).

Applicable Technologies

Wind based technologies 

Policy Period

Not available.

Targets under Policy

Not available.


  • Incentives for infrastructure and others, as per Industrial Policy 2013 of Uttar Pradesh, would be applicable to wind power projects.
  • All incentives by MNRE, Government of India will be applicable.

Eligibility Conditions

Not available.

Tax Exemptions

  • Wind energy will be exempted from electricity duty.

  • Land purchase will be free from registration and stamp fees.

Evacuation Arrangement

Grid interacting and maintenance will be undertaken by the developer at his own expense, as per the specifications of the UP Power Corporation/DISCOM/UPPTCL. However, on the request of developer, UPNEDA/UPPCL/UPSTCL could undertake these works on payment basis.




Resource Assessment

  • UPNEDA will undertake wind monitoring to identify sites, and will also encourage private players to do the same.
  • Any renowned organization empanelled with MNRE shall be permitted to conduct wind resource assessment in the state. 

Site Allotment

If UPNEDA identifies a suitable site, then the energy developer shall be selected based on open tender.

If a suitable site is identified by a private developer, then that developer will be given the first right of refusal for the land within 10 km radius of the site.

Sale of Energy

State government or its designated agency will have the first right to purchase electricity from the wind energy project at a rate determined by SERC. In case of non-purchase of electricity by the state or its designated agency, the developer will be at liberty to sell the power to a third party.

Land Requirement

Land will be allotted to the developer for a period of 30 years or life of the project, whichever is earlier.

Single Window Clearance

UPNEDA shall act as coordinator for necessary approvals and clearances.



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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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