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Uttarakhand Solar Policy - 2013

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Nodal Agency

Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA).

Applicable Technologies

Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal.

Policy Period

Not available.

Targets under Policy

50 MW of solar power capacity by 2017.

Incentive Amount

Not available.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Minimum 100 kW and maximum 50 MW.

  • No maximum capacity limit for central and state government corporations.

Tax Exemptions

50% stamp duty exemption on purchase of private land by developer.

Exemption of conversion charges for developing solar power project on agricultural land.

Evacuation Arrangement

As per the regulations/procedures defined by CERC/UERC and as amended from time to time.




Eligible Units

Registered companies, firms, institutions, societies, central and state government power generation companies, and public/private sector solar power project developers are eligible.

Cross Subsidy Surcharge

Shall not be applicable for open access obtained for third party sale within the state. 

Selection of Solar Power Developers

  • Type I projects: The state government will promote setting up of solar power projects for direct sale to DISCOMs through competitive bidding procedure.
  • Type II projects: The state government will invite proposals from prospective developers for setting up solar power projects on private land.
  • Type III projects: The state government will invite proposals from prospective developers for setting up solar projects on government land.
  • Type IV projects: The state government will invite proposals from prospective developers intending to develop projects under JNNSM guidelines.

Land Requirement

Maximum land use permission for government land will be 2.5 hectares per MW of solar power projects.






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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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