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Uttarakhand Development of Micro & Mini Hydro Power Projects

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Nodal Agency

Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA)

Plant Size

Maximum capacity allowed is 2 MW.

Responsibilities of Nodal Agency

  • Identify potential sites and prepare detailed project report.
  • Invite bids for sites.

Hydro Classification

  • Micro hydro - 100 kW
  • Mini hydro – from 100 kW to 2 MW.


All hydro projects are reserved for Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) for construction on their own or with special purpose vehicle (SPV).

Special Purpose Vehicle

  • Community based organisations such as Van Panchayat, Mahila Mangal Dal, ex-soldiers society.
  • Societies and co-operatives.
  • Any company or industry.
  • Central or state utilities.

Project Allotment

Bidder offering the highest share in revenue to PRI.


  • Developer can sell power to any consumer or can use it for self-consumption.
  • DISCOM can purchase power at agreed PPA.

Charges Applicable

Wheeling, open access and cross-subsidy surcharge.




Technical Support

  • UREDA will provide Design and Supervision consultancy to PRI or SPV.
  • UJVNL and UREDA will provide training to representatives of PRI for project execution.


  • Social Venture Fund is made available to the developer.
  • No royalty charges, user water charges or court fees will be applicable.
  • No entry tax on transportation of project’s goods.
  • Government land will be leased for 40 years at a rate of Rs.1/m2.
  • Hydro projects will be considered industry and all such benefits can be availed.
  • Banking of power only with agreement with DISCOM.



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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More


Plot No.44, Hindustan Estates,
Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832