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Telangana Solar Policy - 2015

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Nodal Agency

Telangana New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation Limited

Applicable Technologies

Solar photovoltaic and solar thermal

Policy Period

5 years from 2015

Targets under Policy

Not available

Incentive Amount

  • The Commercial Tax Department will provide 100% refund of VAT/SGST for all the inputs required for solar power projects, for a period of 5 years.

  • Industries Department will provide 100% refund of Stamp Duty on land purchased for setting up solar power projects and/or Solar parks.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Grid-connected solar power projects set up to sell power to state DISCOMs or third parties within the state

  • Projects set up for captive and group captive generation

  • Solar rooftop

  • Off-grid applications

  • Any other project based on MNRE/GOI Schemes

  • Solar parks

Power generated from any of the above modes has to be consumed within the state.

Tax Exemptions

  • Exemption of electricity duty for captive consumption, sale to DISCOMS and third party sale in respect of all SPPs set up within the state, including new manufacturing facilities and ancillaries of solar power.
  • For SPP located within the state and selling power to third parties, 100% exemption shall be provided on the cross subsidy surcharge as determined by TSERC for five years from the date of commissioning of the SPP.

Evacuation Arrangement

Evacuation up to the interconnection point shall be responsibility of the power project developer.




Sale of Solar Rooftop Power to DISCOMs

  • Consumers are free to choose either gross metering or net metering.
  • Option of selling powerto DISCOMs.
  • No distribution losses or charges shall be applicable for solar rooftop plants. 

Land Ceiling Act

Land Ceiling Act will not be applicable for solar power projects and solar parks. This exemption is applicable only for firm orders/PPAs/successful bids to the extent of land required

Single Window Clearance

The solar policy cell will undertake single window clearance for all SPPsat atransaction charge of Rs. 10,000/MW for processing applications up to a maximum Rs. 2 lakh/project. . 

Other Incentives

The state will extend all facilities and fiscal incentives provided by central government or national solar mission to manufacturers and other participants in the solar park. 



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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832