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Tamil Nadu Solar Policy - 2012

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Nodal Agency

Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA)

Applicable Technologies

Solar photovoltaic, solar thermal.

Policy Period

Not available

Targets under Policy

3000 MW of solar power, and grid parity by 2015.

Incentive Amount

A GBI would be given @ Rs.2 per unit for the first two years, Rs. 1 per unit for the next two years and Rs. 0.5 per unit for subsequent two years, for all solar and solar-wind hybrid roof top systems installed before 31st March, 2014

Eligibility Conditions

Not available

Tax Exemptions

Electricity tax will be waived up to 100% for five years for captive consumption or sale to utility.

Evacuation Arrangement

Not available





  • The state would energize 1 lakh street lights through solar energy by 2015-16.
  • All new government and local body buildings would necessarily install solar rooftops.
  • Existing government and local body buildings would be provided with solar roof-top systems, in a phased manner.
  • All street lights and water supply installations in local bodies would be energized through solar power, in a phased manner.
  • Building rules have been amended by government orders to make the use of solar water heating systems mandatory in industries using hot water boilers/steam boilers.

Solar parks

Solar parks with a capacity of about 50 MW each would be targeted in 24 districts.

Single window clearance

Guaranteed single window clearance would be provided through TEDA.





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Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India

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+91 20 26613832