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Solar Power Policy of Mizoram – 2017

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Nodal Agency

Zoram Energy Development Agency (ZEDA)  

Policy Period

From the date of notification in the state gazette and shall remain in force until further notice.

Eligible Entities

  • Any individual/Firm/Society/Institution/Registered Company including Public utilities for large scale grid connected projects.

  • All the individuals, residential/commercial/Institutional/govt. and semi-govt. building owners, industrial units, interested firms and registered companies for roof top solar projects

  • Eligible capacity for roof top projects will be 1 kwp and above with or without battery back up support

  • Any individual or party for off-grid projects 

Target Capacity

  • Minimum 80 MW including roof top solar projects

  • Mandatory installation of roof top solar projects on the office buildings of all state government departments and institutions, wherever technically feasible

  • Building of central government departments and institutions are expected to installed roof top solar projects.  


  • All concessions/incentives/grants available from MNRE
  • Facilitation of purchase of energy generated under this policy through power and electricity department of government of Mizoram
  • All solar energy produced shall be considered as deemed to be scheduled
  • Permission to bank electricity for a period up to one year

  • Banking of 100% electricity will be permitted for all captive and open access/scheduled customers

  • For captive/third party sale,

  • Energy injected into the grid from date of synchronization to open access approval date will be considered as deemed energy banked.

  • The unredeemed banked energy shall be considered as deemed purchase by the Department/Distribution Licensee at Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost (APPC)

  • Exemption from electricity duty for captive consumers, sale to distribution licensee and third party sale for projects set up within the state; new manufacturing units and ancillaries related to solar power projects.

  • A reduction in contract demand to the extent of 50% of installed capacity for solar power projects shall be permitted in case the plant is not using department’s grid.
  • If any producer intends to enter into PPA for a period less than 10 years, the same shall be considered by the power and electricity department on merit of the case basis.

  • The Distribution Licensee shall provide facilities of an irrevocable, divisible, revolving and confirmed standby Letter of Credit by any nationalized bank.

  • Projects will be eligible for incentives under the state government schemes for industrial units.

  • Exemption from value added schemes for renewable energy materials and equipment.

  • 100% refund of stamp duty

Transmission and Distribution

  • The developer shall be laying of power evacuation line from generating station to the nearest substation or interconnection point.
  • In case there is no interconnection between the solar plant and the nearest sub-station, the developer shall be responsible for laying te power evacuation line.




Grid Connected Solar Power Projects

  • State will promote Solar Power Projects sanctioned under National Solar Mission/MNRE and Rural Electrification Corporation Limited.
  • Projects may be taken up by the State Government on its own, or through nomination basis to CPSUs or under PPP mode based on tariff based competitive bidding
  • Solar projects set up under the REC mechanism shall be eligible for Policy benefits as allowed under CERC REC mechanism

  • Captive generation plants complying the provisions of Electricity Act 2003, the Electricity Rules, 2005 with amendments and orders issued by JERC(M&M) and will be eligible for REC

  • Independent power producers set for sale of power to third party

Grid Connected Roof top Solar Power Projects

  • Net metering shall be implemented by the distribution licensee.
  • Projects shall be allotted on first come first serve basis.

  • Cumulative capacity to be allowed for a particular distribution transformer shall not exceed 40% of the rated capacity of the distribution transformer.

  • The net credit of units, if any, at the end of the settlement period, usually a Financial Year, 100% of units shall be credited in cash by the distribution licensee to the eligible consumer’s account at a tariff determined by JERC M&M.

  • The quantum of electricity generated from the solar energy system of an eligible consumer and consumed by him shall qualify for accounting towards the Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) of such eligible consumer or the distribution licensee.

Off-Grid and Decentralized Distributed Generation

State will incentivize promotion of –

  • Solar power plants for sale of power to individuals

  • Standalone solar systems to provide electricity to remote villages

  • SPV pumping systems for irrigation and drinking water

  • Solar home lighting systems, solar lanterns solar power packs etc. in places where grid is not available, or where power supply is intermittent, or where grid connection is no cost effective. 


Government land will be made available depending on availability.

Single Window Clearance

ZEDA will act as the single window clearance agency in the state.

Project Approval Committee

  • A ‘High Level Project Approval and Monitoring Committee’ will be constituted under the chairmanship of Secretary, Power & Electricity Department.

  • The committee will approve projects and monitor the implementation, including removal of difficulties of solar power projects with over 1 MW capacity.





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