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'Scheme for promotion of Grid Interactive Power Generation Projects based on Renewable Energy during the 12th Five Year Plan Period - Wind Power Projects - 2013'

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Nodal Agency

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Applicable Technologies

Grid-interactive wind power projects

Policy Period

12thFive Year Plan.

Incentive Amount

Subsidy is linked to project capacity (Capacity in MW) and the per MW subsidy will decrease with increased capacity of projects above 1 MW and vice versa.

Rs.3 crore x (Capacity in MW) ^0.646 (NE region, Sikkim, J&K, HP & Uttaranchal)

Rs.2.50 crore x (Capacity in MW)^0.646 (other states)

Eligibility Conditions

Installed capacity greater than 500 kW - not more than 1% of technical potential of the state or 6 MW, whichever is less; states where commercial activity has not been initiated/taken off.

The scheme provides for grant of subsidy to wind power demonstration projects.

Release of Incentives

Upfront subsidy/Part subsidy:

For govt. sector projects - 25% at the time of sanction, 50% at physical progress on the ground, and 25% after commissioning.


Back-ended subsidy:

Released in a single instalment, on successful commissioning of the project and performance testing during which 80% of rated capacity should be demonstrated for 90 consecutive days and 100%rated capacity for at least 72 hours.

Additional Information

Prescribed formats for subsidy application are provided in the scheme document.




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