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Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects - 2016

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Nodal Agency

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

Applicable Technologies

Wind power projects

Policy Period

Not available

Target under Policy

Not available

Incentive Amount

  • Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) will provide 0.25% additional interest rate rebate over and above the interest rebates available to new wind projects financed by it.
  • All fiscal and financial benefits available to new wind projects will also be available to repowering projects, as per applicable conditions.
  • Repowering projects may avail accelerated depreciation benefit or GBI as per conditions applicable to new wind power projects.

Eligibility Conditions

Wind generators of capacity 1 MW and below.

Additional Information

  • Augmentation of transmission system from pooling station onwards will be executed by the respective State Transmission Utility.
  • For placing of wind turbines, 7D x 5D criteria would be relaxed for micro siting.
  • A wind farm/turbine would be exempted from honouring PPA generation during the period of repowering. In case power is being procured by state DISCOMs through PPA, the average power generated for the last three years prior to repowering would be procured on the terms of PPA in-force, and the remaining additional generation would either be purchased by DISCOMs at Feed-in-Tariff applicable at the time of commissioning of the repowered project, and/or allowed for third party sale.

Tax Exemption

Not available

Evacuation Arrangement

Not available



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