Renewable Energy
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Nodal Agency |
Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) |
Applicable Technologies |
Wind-solar hybrid. |
Eligibility Conditions |
Any individual, company or body corporate, or association, or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, shall be eligible for setting up of new wind-solar hybrid projects, or shall be eligible to add wind/solar capacity at their existing solar or wind power projects, respectively, for the purpose of captive use and/or for selling electricity in accordance with the Electricity Act, 2003. |
Policy Period |
5 years from DOI. |
Policy Goals |
Implementation Strategy |
Incentives |
Implementing and Monitoring Agencies |
Implementation agency – GEDA. |
Evacuation Arrangement |
Type-A (Existing Projects):
Type-B (New Project):
Provision for Policy Review |
Not mentioned. |
Capacity Utilization |
Energy Accounting |
Mentioned in a detailed manner in the Policy, categorized in three cases as follows and on whom charges will be levied accordingly:
Energy Banking |
Metering Arrangement |
Tariff for Sale to DISCOMs |
Regulatory Interventions |
Hybrid Projects under REC:
Forecasting & Scheduling:
Reactive Power:
Operation & Maintenance of Evacuation Lines:
For captive and third-party models, the power contracted from the hybrid project shall be 50% of the sanctioned load of consumers for each, solar and wind, respectively. However, consumers may set up hybrid projects to the extent of meeting RPO without limit of contracted demand/sanctioned load. |
Sharing of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) |
Standards and Quality |
Wheeling of Electricity |
Wheeling of electricity generated from hybrid projects to the desired location(s) within the state shall be allowed on payment of transmission charges and losses, and wheeling charges and losses as follows:
Security Deposit for Transmission Capacity |
References | |
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'All About Renewables' aims to bring about a change in the way we 'look and search' for data on renewables today, by providing access to the latest developments in the renewable energy sector (specifically renewable electricity), along with cross-linkages to the conventional energy sector, all on one single platform... Read More
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Plot No.44, Hindustan Estates,
Kalyani Nagar, Pune 411 006, India
+91 20 26613855
+91 20 26613832