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Gujarat Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Policy – 2018

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Nodal Agency

Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)

Applicable Technologies

Wind-solar hybrid.

Eligibility Conditions

Any individual, company or body corporate, or association, or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, shall be eligible for setting up of new wind-solar hybrid projects, or shall be eligible to add wind/solar capacity at their existing solar or wind power projects, respectively, for the purpose of captive use and/or for selling electricity in accordance with the Electricity Act, 2003.

Policy Period

5 years from DOI.

Policy Goals

  • To provide a framework for hybrid systems.
  • Optimal utilization of transmission infrastructure.
  • To encourage new technologies, methods and solutions for combined wind–solar projects.

Implementation Strategy

  • Type-A:
    Registered projects issued by GEDA and GETCO that want to convert to hybrid with respective capacity.
  • Type-B:
    New hybrid projects which are not registered under GEDA or GETCO till DOI.


  • Exempted from payment of electricity duty under the provisions of the Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958 for sale within the state.
  • Exemption from demand cut to the extent of 50% of installed capacity of hybrid wind-solar power projects in case of captive consumption and third party sale within the state.

Implementing and Monitoring Agencies

Implementation agency – GEDA.

Evacuation Arrangement

Type-A (Existing Projects):

  • Total injection shall not be more than the transmission capacity.
  • For additional evacuation, the developers shall bear such cost.
  • The additional power may be allowed to wheel power for captive use or for sale of power to a third party or sale to DISCOMs as specified with respect to charges and losses.
  • In case of inadvertent injection, no payment will be made.


Type-B (New Project):

  • For additional evacuation, the developer shall bear such cost.
  • The developer has the option for wheeling of wind and solar power for captive use or third party sale, or sale of power to the DISCOMs as per charges and losses.
  • For the inadvertent flow of power, no payment will be made.

Provision for Policy Review

Not mentioned.



Capacity Utilization

  • Type-A (Existing Projects) - Only existing wind or solar plants which want to convert to hybrid.
  • Type-B (New Project) - Choice of the capacity mix will be at the discretion of the developer.

Energy Accounting

Mentioned in a detailed manner in the Policy, categorized in three cases as follows and on whom charges will be levied accordingly:

  • If the consumer does not claim solar or non-solar RPO.
  • If the consumer claims solar or non-solar RPO.
  • If registered under REC mechanism and supplies power within the state.

Energy Banking

  • Not mentioned

Metering Arrangement

  • Energy generation measured separately at the pooling station in a 15-minute time block by installed ABT compliant meters.
  • ABT metering at each wind turbine or solar project.
  • The injection of energy at the receiving end of the common meter installed at the sub-station, appropriately apportioned as per the wind or solar meter reading.
  • In the case of Type-B (New Projects), those that are AC or DC integrated, the metering shall be at the receiving end of the substation.
  • Separate meters for wind and solar in view of different RPOs and tariff.
  • In the event that a common hybrid tariff and a common RPO is present, then a common meter for both wind and solar shall suffice.

Tariff for Sale to DISCOMs

  • Type-A (Existing Project) - PPAs with GUVNL or R. bidding.
  • Type-B (New Project) -R. bidding until common tariff and RPO are evolved for a hybrid.

Regulatory Interventions

Hybrid Projects under REC:

  • Hybrid projects with open access for captive use or third party sale under REC mechanism shall be governed by CERC, REC Regulations.


  • Obligated entities may fulfil their RPO by purchasing wind or solar power separately.


Forecasting & Scheduling:

  • Of energy injection by hybrid projects.


Reactive Power:

  • The drawal of reactive power shall be charged as per GERC.


Operation & Maintenance of Evacuation Lines:

  • The O & M of evacuation lines shall be the developer’s responsibility.

For captive and third-party models, the power contracted from the hybrid project shall be 50% of the sanctioned load of consumers for each, solar and wind, respectively. However, consumers may set up hybrid projects to the extent of meeting RPO without limit of contracted demand/sanctioned load.

Sharing of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

  • The CDM benefits shall be shared on net proceeds, in three phases.
  • Hybrid power projects availing CDM benefit shall share the net CDM proceeds annually by 31 March of every year.

Standards and Quality

  • Secondhand WTGs or solar modules or other equipment shall not be eligible for installation under this Policy.
  • Only such WTGs that are approved either by MNRE or Government of India shall be eligible.

Wheeling of Electricity

Wheeling of electricity generated from hybrid projects to the desired location(s) within the state shall be allowed on payment of transmission charges and losses, and wheeling charges and losses as follows:

  • For captive use.
  • For third party sale.
  • Hybrid project developers who desire to wheel electricity to more than one location shall pay Rs.5/ - per unit on energy fed in to the grid in addition to the above mentioned transmission charges and losses, as applicable.

Security Deposit for Transmission Capacity

  • The H. Power project (Type-B) is required to provide bank guarantee of Rs.3 Lakh per MW to GETCO based on the transmission capacity.
  • Developer shall commission at least 10% of the allotted capacity within one month of charging of evacuation line, failing which he shall be liable to pay long term transmission charges for 10% of allotted capacity till such 10% of allotted capacity is commissioned.



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