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Gujarat Policy for Development of Small Scale Distributed Solar Projects — 2019

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Nodal Agency

Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)

Policy Period

6 March 2019 to 6 March 2026.


  • Capacity between 500 kW and 4000 kW.
  • Sale of power to DISCOMs only by individuals, company, body corporate, associations or farmers.
  • The developer must own or lease land for the development of power plant.


Tariff of power purchase by GUVNL added Rs.0.20 per unit. (Rs.0.12 for saving transmission loss + Rs.0.08 for compensation for land).

Grid Support

  • The developer will bring power to interconnection point and bear associated costs linked with it.
  • Common transmission can be shared by a cluster of project developers.


Rs.5 lakh per MW, refundable under Terms and Conditions.

Forecasting & Scheduling

Exempted from intra-state transmission procedure until the forecasting and scheduling mechanism for solar parks is made applicable.

Termination of PPA

The developer will be fined six months billing amount, to be paid to the DISCOM.


ABT meter must be installed on the developer’s side.


References Devlopment_of_Small_Scale_Distributed_Solar_Projects-2019.pdf


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